Facebook Worm Warning!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Another nasty bugger out there... read the whole article... warn your friends on Facebook about it.

Koobface, Other Worms Target Facebook Friends (NewsFactor)

Posted on Thu Mar 5, 2009 11:31AM EST
As Facebook works to make itself more relevant and timely for its growing member base with a profile page makeover, attackers seem to be working overtime to steal the identities of the friends, fans and brands that connect though the social-networking site. Indeed, Facebook has seen five different security threats in the past week. According to Trend Micro, four new hoax applications are attempting to trick members into divulging their usernames and passwords. And a new variant of the Koobface worm is running wild on the site, installing malware on the computers of victims who click on a link to a fake YouTube video.
The Koobface worm is dangerous. It can be dropped by other malware and downloaded unknowingly by a user when visiting malicious Web sites, Trend Micro reports. When attackers execute the malware, it searches for cookies created by online social networks. The latest variant is targeting Facebook, but earlier variants have also plagued MySpace.
Thank you MA Caver, but you have already shown that your anti-social rantings are unfounded at best. I think that we should be more worried about our personal information on this site than facebook!
Do you have a basis for that personal attack on Caver, Scott?

As to this site: It's secure as any site can be, has a posted privacy policy we follow, and all staff sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to hire.

So, as Clara used to say, wheres the beef?
Thank you MA Caver, but you have already shown that your anti-social rantings are unfounded at best. I think that we should be more worried about our personal information on this site than facebook!
Now you went and did it, now you need to double step, so you can get back on the right foot again.

Thank you MA Caver, but you have already shown that your anti-social rantings are unfounded at best.

Uh?... HUH? My... what? :confused:

I think that we should be more worried about our personal information on this site than facebook!
I tell ya what there bub... I trust this site a DAMN site more than facebook, MySpace or any other place on the net... in the six years I've been a member of this site I've yet to be spammed, badgered, harassed (off forum) or anything negative that the web can dish out.
I trust many of the folks here and I trust Bob to run a totally clean (viruses, spam, phishers, and TROLLS) site.

Martial Talk has done alright by me.
Thank you MA Caver, but you have already shown that your anti-social rantings are unfounded at best. I think that we should be more worried about our personal information on this site than facebook!
Damn it, so that's why I keep getting that message about how I might already be a weiner. I was wondering, and here you figured it all out.

The Barstool Prophets

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water
I can't breathe and I can't see straight
My hands are clammy and my head is swimming: dizzy
I think it has to do with something that I ate
The government is putting poison in my coffee
So they can hunt me; mount my head up like a trophy

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]Sometimes at night I get the feeling that I'm not alone
I see things moving in the corner of my eye
But when I turn to look that something always disappears
And I am left with wetness running down my thigh
Somebody's watching, waiting, hiding in the shadows
Some "Little-Hitler" with his band of crazy psychos
Intent on my demise

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]When out with friends I have to keep this cool demeanor
I mustn't let them see the doubt upon my face
You see, my friends have been replaced by clever doubles
Who are members of a spawn that come from deep, dark outerspace
They're Body-Snatchers. Life is imitating art now
And Donald Sutherland, I guess I'm playing his part, now
That everyone is out to get me

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]If Paranoia's a result of simply knowing the truth
Then how I feel could be called paranoia
I could prove these things if I could dig up the proof
It's a good thing my cousin's brother's a lawyer
Paranoia (nothing quite like)
Paranoia (there's no stopping)
Paranoia (when you're gripped with)
Paranoia (nothing rhymes with)
Admin. Note:

Now, now, everyone. Remember we have a feature called the "RTM" button - it's the little red triangle with the ! inside in the upper right corner of every post.

When folks get testy, rude, obnoxious or something else you think breaks the rules or sincerely bothers you (not just opinion-wise) then use it. Let's not resort to in-thread poetry meant to taunt the naughty. Or should I say the alleged naughty? Ah well.

Be kind; rewind. Don't be a creature; use the RTM feature.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator