Eye Of A Needle Art.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Art so small you'd need a microscope to see it.

This man's story is incredible in-of-by-itself. That he overcame his life's difficulties and created works of art that dare to be defied by belief.
The amount of patience, determination that has to be present to DO this type of art work should be admired by all artists... even Martial Artists. He has to calm himself, regulate his heartbeat and breathing so that the vibrations don't affect his work as he goes at it.
How's that for self-discipline?

More of his story....
:eek: :eye-popping: :erg: :eye-popping: That's insane!!!!!! Who would have thought that anything remotely like that was humanly possible!!!! Truly jaw dropping and eye popping!!! :eye-popping:

Thanks for posting the videos!

Robyn :asian:
:eek: :eye-popping: :erg: :eye-popping: That's insane!!!!!! Who would have thought that anything remotely like that was humanly possible!!!! Truly jaw dropping and eye popping!!! :eye-popping:

Thanks for posting the videos!

Robyn :asian:
Yeah but imagine how the fly feels? I've heard of plucking wings off a fly but it's hair?? :lol: Yes... incredible and noteworthy is the man's effort and final products.