Ey Yo! :D


White Belt
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score

I thought i would introduce myself and give a brief history because I am bored. I am 20 years of age, almost 21. I am of Irish heritage. I live in NJ (USA) and go to a university in Pennsylvania. (You will understand why I am being vague). In my upper class days of high school I read many books on martial arts and "living the martial way". Also during that time I took up practicing "Sin Moo Hapkido" at my local martial arts place. I graduated to a Green belt 1 stripe before I was forced to quit due to starting college. Also during high school I practiced gymnastics for fun. I got quite good at it, incorporating various martial arts flips into my resume. Soon i stopped seeing a back flips as an act of super human ability and instead seeing it as something as common as someone walking their dog. To be honest, one of the reasons i ever started to train in martial arts was for a girl. I had a crush on a beautiful Korean girl who worked there. Our relationship did not last long but it was fun (You know those high school relationships haha). Then I realized I wanted to be strong and skilled as a fighter in order to defend my current and future family. Also I have always enjoyed Eastern philosophical thought. Those things made me jump into the crazy world of martial arts. I do have plans to continue my martial arts training later when i have the time but as of now, I can not afford such high prices for lessons nor can i spend the time between my studies and social life. But one thing i must say, a good looking woman in a martial arts gi, kickin butt, is absolutely beautiful haha.

Sorry for such a long introduction. I am up late in my dorm room killing time. Peace and good will :)
Sounds like you have a great grounding in Martial Arts. Good taste with going to the Korean side! ;) Welcome to MT!
Many colleges have martial arts clubs or other opportunities for students to train, often for free or very reduced rates. You might want to check out the possibilities...
Greetings and Welcome to MT.....
Sup dude and welcome!