Evolution of equipment in TKD


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
What has been the single piece of equipment in TKD since you have been doing it that has brought your training to a higher level and why does it have such an impact with you?
Probably dating myself :) but for me, it would be the kicking paddle.

When I started in 1975, the only targets we had were each other, boards, and hanging bags. The paddle allows one to strike a small, moving target without hurting your partner. Before the paddle, we had x-ray paper but it was hard to hold.

Probably dating myself :) but for me, it would be the kicking paddle.

When I started in 1975, the only targets we had were each other, boards, and hanging bags. The paddle allows one to strike a small, moving target without hurting your partner. Before the paddle, we had x-ray paper but it was hard to hold.


You and me both, I agree the kicking paddle was a great one.
Sparring equipment has really evolved. I remember in the early 80's it was thin stuff. Now it is thicker and even has raised padding.
Modern body armor. Our Instructor used cloth armor lined with bamboo in Korea, and brought it to America with him when he emigrated. That is what our original Instructors used. If you hit it the wrong way, you broke your foot. I am so glad I never had to go through that. Knowing you risked serious injury for a miskick was a sure way to encourage students to be gunshy and hesitant about kicking.
Sort of a post-script, but the WTF has announced that they will be testing electronic hogus. It is amazing that we have gone from the bamboo-lined hogu which TraditionalTKD described to the electronic hogu.

Sort of a post-script, but the WTF has announced that they will be testing electronic hogus. It is amazing that we have gone from the bamboo-lined hogu which TraditionalTKD described to the electronic hogu.


Well that sounds like fun, do they have any info. on what it takes to score a point with one.
I'd have to either go with the kicking paddle or the hogu.

When I started in 1982, hogus were "old school" (as mentioned here) & not used very often. They started to become part of regular use when I left the WTF in 1986. I never really used them until I came back in a WTF style program in February. I get the reasons for them. But I still like "old school" training w/out them.

The paddle is a great invention. Before, there were either kicking sheilds or heavy bags (or X-ray film) to kick. It was hard to kick either of the 1st two quickly. It's made a lot of difference in the way I train.
What has been the single piece of equipment in TKD since you have been doing it that has brought your training to a higher level and why does it have such an impact with you?

For me it was a very large, perfectly stuffed heavy bag that had been part of the Sikeston Moo Sul Kwan for decades.

Everybody who put serious time in on that bag (including me :) ) ended up having INCREDIBLE power in their kicks. I miss that bag *sigh*
Well that sounds like fun, do they have any info. on what it takes to score a point with one.

Not yet, here's the info from the WTF website (www.wtf.org)-they look kind of funky:
WTF Signs Recognition Contract with LaJUST on Electronic Protectors


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