Everlast Flex bag


Sr. Grandmaster
Ah man, I delegated the purchase of the heavy bag....BOB is my dream guy, but I was going to get a Wavemaster....
family got me the flex bag for my Birthday....

It sways about 6-12 inches back and forth and I have not really hit it hard....didn't have my bag gloves out.

The base is heavy tho.....I can't even tip it over to get some of the water out....

Do I make it work or should I return it and get the wavemaster?
Everybody needs a bobblehead :)

Seriously, would the fam be offended?
I prefer the wavemaster, but That's what I've always used. And It's easy to move around if you roll it like a barrel or welding tank.

I like the fact that set all the way down is about my height lol.
frankly after today I don't care if they are offended...they don't care when they p*$$ me off either :rolleyes: :ak47::shooter:

I'll dig my gloves out and give it an honest try before I decide....
I assume you have the free standing as opposed to the now discontinued hanging model. Never really like the resistance of the free standing units, but we made it somewhat acceptable at one location I was at by putting it in a corner. The base was touching both walls and the top was only a few inches away. This reduced the motion.
I assume you have the free standing as opposed to the now discontinued hanging model. Never really like the resistance of the free standing units, but we made it somewhat acceptable at one location I was at by putting it in a corner. The base was touching both walls and the top was only a few inches away. This reduced the motion.
Free standing we have 3 of them. One of the more enjoyable drills for me any way is to line up in 3's and move them to the other side of the dojang.
They can move around. Most schools line them up against a wall to limit their travel. Their travel can be further limited by putting the bag in a corner, as Mr. Weiss mentions.

Putting the wavemaster on two or more layers of grippy rubber (ie: carpet padding) can help.

Also, sand is heavier than water. Doesn't give quite the same fun squish when you hit it, but makes for an even heavier base that is is harder to move around. If you do put sand in it, make sure it is play sand....something sanitized, and not earthen sand that may still have live critters in it.
Garden hose makes a great syphon tube. Or grab a buddy or 2 to help you tip it.

LOl, yeah, I have siphoned water out of pots I actually wanted filled...I am just glad it was just water....though somebody stuck the hose into the turtle tub at one time...(the hose was still on the faucet....)
LOl, yeah, I have siphoned water out of pots I actually wanted filled...I am just glad it was just water....though somebody stuck the hose into the turtle tub at one time...(the hose was still on the faucet....)
You can Siphone w/o uuhh.... Welll with just using your thumb. No telling what critters had been in those pots :)
You can Siphone w/o uuhh.... Welll with just using your thumb. No telling what critters had been in those pots :)
I know...I didn't know the hose would siphon through the faucet...only good that we don't drink water! :P
Open the bag > Kick it over so some water comes out > Physics does the rest?

On topic; I think the Wavemaster would be superior, but who knows. It depends on the conditions sorrounding getting it.

Everybody needs a bobblehead :)
I wish i had a bobblehead :(
Open the bag > Kick it over so some water comes out > Physics does the rest?

the plug is under the thingey that holds the bag part....gotta undo 4 screws to get to the plug...of course, there is no kicking it then either....epic phail contruction!
the plug is under the thingey that holds the bag part....gotta undo 4 screws to get to the plug...of course, there is no kicking it then either....epic phail contruction!
So wait... You need to tip it over, to get to the screws, so you can drain it?
And your having trouble tipping it over?
