OK Shadow TKD this is another one after the opoinion needed thread, so lets begin. You ar chambering the kick better and you have slowed down enought o be some what in control which is good, but on the other hand you have become predictable when your kics are coming. Mainly you are in rythum for every kick alot of Olympic train fighter have that same foot count when to deliver the kick. I see where you are going with this now just work on your timing not being timed before each kick. You see your tell before the back kick is a front leg check follow by a couple of in between hopes before the kick comes also you are turning the upper body right efore your kick which is a tell for some, the body and hips need to come at the same time. Your power is fine and wil increase when you bring all the opponets together as one kick and not seperated by each part of the kick. I hope you do not find me being hard on you and please keep up the good work.