Europe according to the British


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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Mmm! Interesting comment when you look at all the economic woes of Europe. Britain alone demonstrated the sense of retaining its own currency and that has kept the country in a much stronger financial position and perhaps delivered a salient lesson to any country considering abandoning the independence of its own currency. Furthermore it demonstrates that a marriage of convenience, ie the EU, is not the same as a marriage of equals, ie a trade arrangement with another economy of similar strength. :asian:
Mmm! Interesting comment when you look at all the economic woes of Europe. Britain alone demonstrated the sense of retaining its own currency and that has kept the country in a much stronger financial position and perhaps delivered a salient lesson to any country considering abandoning the independence of its own currency. Furthermore it demonstrates that a marriage of convenience, ie the EU, is not the same as a marriage of equals, ie a trade arrangement with another economy of similar strength. :asian:

I thought this was funny because most of the time I see these memes about with the US as being the butt of the joke. This one was sent to me by a German family member and it gave a little insight into some political attitudes over there.
Britain alone demonstrated the sense of retaining its own currency

Not entirely alone. Of the EU countries Sweden and Denmark kept theirs also. As to how much competitive advantage e.g. Sweden has received from it compared to Finland is apparently not clear. Statistics can be interpreted in so many ways, after all :) Of course I'm not glad to see all those millions pumped to keep some countries up and running (well, on their knees and crawling, at least), but I still think that the euro is a pretty good idea, saves me the hassle of changing money when I go to most countries here :)
Oh and I've seen other maps of Europe done in similar fashion. One was Europe according to Berlusconi, can't remember the others. I'll try to remember to post them here tomorrow.
Mostly smile inducing other than the "Uncharted bit" - too much grief went on there that our forces were involved in trying to stop for that to sit well with me.

Can't figure out why Moldovia is "Oh Dear" ... clearly missed something there :confused:.
I am not sure about Germany and the dirty porn...I was under the impression Finland and Sweden were leaders....
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds

A warm hello to our friends in the UK. It is inspiring to see common sense and stirs hope amid a sea of disillusionment. Very best regards, David
Here are the rest of the images that I have:

Europe according to
  • French
View attachment 18092
  • Americans
View attachment 18093
  • Berlusconi (not sure how well known Silvio Berlusconi, the former prime minister of Italy, is outside Europe, but the map pretty much tells you what you need to know about him ;) )
View attachment 18094
  • Greeks
View attachment 18091
  • Italians
View attachment 18090

Thanks, that was very helpful in planning my next holiday in Europe. I would have missed some really hot spots using Michelin.