Ethics ?


First, I left the idea open, as it is open. I cannot think of a way to define it in without putting PHL 345 in front of it and then it owuld be a narrow discusison. I was hopinh to see some general ideas that might lead to specifics.

Second, I did not make it open to upset or bother people, if you have specifics, then please narrow it down as that helps define the problem or helps create a model with given assumptions and inputs.

Last, Here is my way of defining issue which is different from the way BrandonLucas is definging them:

Morals - Ideas/concepts/etcetera coming from a small specific group such as a sub-culture or religion

Values - What the individual Values, and uses to make their personal choice.

Ethics - What soceity of representatives of a group determine to acceptable. i.e. Medical Ethics comes from within the Medical Community, based upon input from Society and the individuals defining the ethics.

Laws - What a group of people put in place to enforce or punish people for breaking societies ethics. i.e. Federal and State Laws for Murder or Theft, but not to exclude By laws of the Medical community or others that are used to remove a license for unethical behaviour.

Not that my Definitions are the only ones, but from where I was coming from when I made the post.

The funny thing about this is that by defining what you consider the definitions of these words to be, you are basically narrowing the field.

I should have put in my previous posts that when I'm talking about ethics and values, that those are my definitions of the words, the same as you've done in your post.

The beauty of your original post is that it is so open to interperatation that you are bound to get tons of different answers.

Personally, I like the fact that everything is open ended in the questions in the OP. It makes for a much more interesting discussion.

I'm interested to see what others have to say.
Some recent threads here and elsewhere have got me thinking.

Someone does something we might find unethical, is it ethical to do something to the person?

An unethical person goes out and starts doing stuff to people in person, in the media or on the internet (* I know it is a form of media but should be separated for its' own sake of forums et al *). Should one just ignore these types, or should one look to correct their errors?

Even if you try to correct their errors there will be people who will never believe you just because it is you who or who trained with or who they trained with.

Is it ethical to assume that everyone will operate with same ethical behaviour as you?

With the above questions for people to think about and post, I also wonder what questions others have for and about Ethics?

Its unethical imho to expect too much from people, trying to force others to apply your standard has prolly been the cause of more than its fair share of death throughout human history. On the subject of ethics, I reflect on my life experience often. What I try to accomplish on every given day is to analyze my life, my regrets and to formulate and carry out stratagems that will lead me down the path of life that will earn me the least amount of additional remorse/regret. Ethics is a personal journey if one chooses to use their experience as a guide that person can most likely find their way through the unecassary debris of life and can walk on the path that they are at peace with.
The funny thing about this is that by defining what you consider the definitions of these words to be, you are basically narrowing the field.

I should have put in my previous posts that when I'm talking about ethics and values, that those are my definitions of the words, the same as you've done in your post.

The beauty of your original post is that it is so open to interperatation that you are bound to get tons of different answers.

Personally, I like the fact that everything is open ended in the questions in the OP. It makes for a much more interesting discussion.

I'm interested to see what others have to say.

That is why I asked it open ended.

I tried not to define it or limit it for others.
I think you will find that all societies who practiced slavery like the Greeks, Romans, Persians etc considered slavery all right and not a bit unethical at the time.

The socially acceptable is only unethical to someone who has other definitions of right and wrong. Rare is the person who considers himself to be evil.

i think i take your point. still, even as something of a moral relativist myself, i think there are still some absolutes in ethics.

every society has considered murder to be wrong, although the definition of murder is not consistent from one society to the next. same with theft, kidnapping (which i would consider slavery to an extent), arson, etc.


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