Eskrima training dvd?


White Belt
Feb 3, 2011
Reaction score
Can anyone recommend an eskrima training dvd? I'm not expecting it to make me proficient; I just want something that teaches the basic strikes and movements in a reasonably understandable way.

No, not necessarily MA, but I thought the MA people would have a useful perspective on what's out there. :)
I just posted up a free DVD download at my website, This would be a good, not to mention cost effective way of satisfying your curiosity.

Dan Anderson

Mr. Anderson, I'm rolling through your site and don't see a free download. Can you point to the page where it lies? Thanks!
His instructions via Facebook:

Hi All,

The Free DVD download is an MPEG-4 file. I re-downloaded it to my computer to make sure all was okay with it. I open it with Windows Media Player and it plays just fine. This is the url to get it from:

Walk through the instructions and if you are a first time registrant, register and it will take you back to the sign in page. Then enter your email and password as a registered shopper and continue the process. When I get a notification you have registered for a download, I will process it on my end and you will receive an email whereby you can download it. When you go to the download page, click on the title of the DVD itself and the download will begin. The zip file is 757 mg so it will take a little while for the download to complete.
I highly recommend Dan Anderson's videos & books. For what you want, look at the Fast Track series.

I agree here with Barry. I have several of Dan's books and his DVDs and they are very good, especially for what it sounds like you are looking for, beginning level material presented in a clear manner.

As reference books go his books rank among my favorites, his DVDs aren't fancy just pretty practical with good instruction.
Mr. Anderson, I'm rolling through your site and don't see a free download. Can you point to the page where it lies? Thanks!
These are the instructions I posted on Facebook. Hope this helps.

A. You go to this link
and order the download. On the payment option be sure to mark "Check/Money order". If you are not already registered as a customer, do so. It will then return you to the same page and then you enter your email and password in the "Returning customer" section and you can proceed.
B. You get an email saying it is pending.
C. I receive a notice that your order is pending.
D. I go to my site and change your pending notice to processing.
E. You should get an email that states your order is "processing"
F. You click on the link which is after "Detailed invoice:"
G. This takes you to a page where you scroll down to where it says Download links
H. Right below that it will have the title of the video: 50th Anniversary of the Founding
of Modern Arnis DVD
I. THAT is the link you click on to get the video.

I am currently working on a possible simplified method of ordering this video because I want 100% satisfaction.

PS - I got the next video to convert for a free download. This is a 1983 instructional video I made and has 4-5 matches on it including a match with Steve "Nasty" Anderson. I'll let you know when I get it up for you.