error fixers


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
my bro has a lab top and it is just full of errors i went to to try to get an error fixer but they dont work any sites that has a free one cause his labtops need it
That doesn't provide much information. What type of errors? In what application? All the time? Sporadic? Software error? Hardware? Both?

If an error comes up write down what it says. Then search on google for the error. You should find something that fixes the error.

Also if you can download Ad-Ware 6 and Spybot Search and Destroy. They are spyware scanners and will help out tremendously. Just don't run them at the same time. Make sure you run a virus scan. If you have a lot of errors then you may want to simply reformat but everything on the hard drive will be gone. So backup anything you want first.

If you have specific errors your asking about you need to post those so we can better understand what you want to fix. A site to post those on is .
BlueDragon1981 said:
If an error comes up write down what it says. Then search on google for the error. You should find something that fixes the error.

This has usually worked very well for me. If not, I get a hold of Kaith!
Sorry, can't help you. You're not making much sense.
