Elyptical machines


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Okay, not sure if this is where I should post this or not, feel free to move it.

I am looking into purchasing or renting an elyptical (sp?) machine. I, like many of you I have discovered, have "bad" knees. My problem is with arthritis mostly. Walk/Jogging/Running really hurts and lately so does riding my bike. I tried one for about a week a few months ago and I really like it. Plus, because I can only train twice a week now, I fell I am getting a little softer then I was and I need to work on my cardio anyways.

I was wondering if anyone else has one of these? What you thought about them? I found it easier on my knees then a tread mill but I only used it short term. Any help or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)
I use 1 twice a week. I highly recommend them. Try going to Dick's sporting goods or any other sporting goods faucility around where you live.
Nalia said:
Okay, not sure if this is where I should post this or not, feel free to move it.

I am looking into purchasing or renting an elyptical (sp?) machine. I, like many of you I have discovered, have "bad" knees. My problem is with arthritis mostly. Walk/Jogging/Running really hurts and lately so does riding my bike. I tried one for about a week a few months ago and I really like it. Plus, because I can only train twice a week now, I fell I am getting a little softer then I was and I need to work on my cardio anyways.

I was wondering if anyone else has one of these? What you thought about them? I found it easier on my knees then a tread mill but I only used it short term. Any help or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)
Oh Nalia, i love my elliptical machine, it is a great alternative when i can't get to my regular workouts or for really revving up the cardio for test times. I too have problems with my joints and knees when i run, so this has been a God-send. My whole family uses it and they should use it even more than they do. Go for it and i'm sure you won't regret it. Mine has different settings so i can really crank up the intensity or bring it back down, down forget to go in reverse to really work the glutes!

Make sure you get a good model and don't go on the cheap, some of the cheaper ones just aren't sturdy enough and make a ton of noise.


Kenpo Mama :ultracool
I have been using one for over a year. Don't walk, run to get one. Like Kenpo Mama said - don't go cheap. Better to get a gym membership and use a good one than have a rickety piece of crap in your basement.
Thanks Kenpo Mama, I have joined the gym by my work. They have really good machines there. Going to see how it works before I purchase one. I really like the intensity of them as well. Maybe I will finally have the body I have always wanted! LOL, yeah right :rolleyes:

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