

Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Where does yours start and end?

Does one need a certain amount of ego in the martial arts? I have heard it argued that a teacher/instructor should be able to carry enough ego to convey a leadership quality. Of course, one would have to keep careful watch over the dissemination of egoism upon students.

Does it end in the ring? Does it end if you lose a bout?
I had an ego...but I lost...come back ego .... come back....sorry I'm just in a silly mood tonight.

Anyway I do really have one but I try to keep it in check....I do work hard at obtaining knowledge though so when some says I'm wrong I get pissed....unless they show me saying you disagree doesn't get me in a tizzy...maybe I just don't like to be wrong....hmmmm.
It's all about balance imo. Too much ego may get you into a fight or injured in training. Too little when you need the confidence can harm you too.
Well... ego can be good, if it pushes you to train harder and smarter to get better because you know you can.

Or it can be bad, if you take every drill as a contest and get pissy when you loose.

Ego is neccessary, but like many other things, it can get ugly in some people.

The way I look at it, everyone in a gym needs to be willing too loose to everyone else, even go light so that they do win once and a while. That is training. People that can't stand to loose, people that treat every drill as a life and death fight, people that make excuses for losing, those people have no place in any class.
RoninPimp said:
It's all about balance imo. Too much ego may get you into a fight or injured in training. Too little when you need the confidence can harm you too.

I agree. Too much and it is always leaving you as it falls off that chip on one's shoulder.

To little and you are caught flat footed while looking for your car keys.
on my good days, i'm hella cocky but not arrogant. more like han solo, less like rush limbaugh.

i see no problem with 'damn, i'm good' as long as it doesn't slip into 'i'm better than you.'

on my bad days, i catch myself slipping into arrogance. on my really bad days, i don't even catch myself.
shesulsa said:
Where does yours start and end?

Does one need a certain amount of ego in the martial arts? I have heard it argued that a teacher/instructor should be able to carry enough ego to convey a leadership quality. Of course, one would have to keep careful watch over the dissemination of egoism upon students.

Does it end in the ring? Does it end if you lose a bout?

I believe Ego and Confidence are inextricably linked. Different sides of the same coin, so to speak.
Hello, This is an interesting question "where does your start and end"?

It there a start and end? ....not sure here? .....I guess all of us have some. Ego, pretty much means self-center, especially when we see someone talk about themselves how good they are or brag alot. Than you know theirs is BIG! (this is when it is best to be small)

Can Ego be use another way? ego's also gives,self-confidence,self-esteem.self-worth,self-assertion,self-conceit,self-worship,self-concentration,self-applause,arrogance,conceit ..(Webster's New World Thesaurus). To become better...we need to believe in ourselves!

So the question should be? Big is your EGO?

The last time I measure them (I have lots)...was 201 lbs.

Best not to use them to much...there is limits? .........Aloha
Andrew Green said:
The way I look at it, everyone in a gym needs to be willing too loose to everyone else, even go light so that they do win once and a while. That is training. People that can't stand to loose, people that treat every drill as a life and death fight, people that make excuses for losing, those people have no place in any class.

Great point. I think that's why I like my chosen Art so's much harder to be egotistical when you're constantly having to scrape yourself up off the helps to keep you humble. Knowing that after you finish your technique that it's your partner's turn seems to keep people in line most of the time.

And..the funny thing is,the people that have problems with having to always win..or to always make everything about them..seem to not stick around for long.

That being said..I think one's ego should be healthy,but there's no need to be cocky or belittling,or to carry oneself with any sort of superior attitude. Self-confidence is one thing..snobbery quite another.
Hello, People with BIG EGO's have big EXCUSES! ...have you notice that?

this is shoes it too big, my shirt is to small, my nose is in the middle of my face (something smells here), Time flies when you are having fun, work get longer everyday,(between 8-5 ...12 hours went by. My lunch is the same everyday(I eat at MacDonalds).

What is your excuses? ........Aloha
When it comes to the arts, I pretty much consider myself no one of any consequence, even after 35 years...however, I do think a lot of myself in general. I was a congentially clumsy child who was always sick;I owe whatever athleticism and health I've gained to martial arts-I owe the courage it took to keep stepping onto the mat to my ego.

Ego, I think, has a place, and yes, it ebbs and flows-just when you start to think you're good, that person comes along-that "always someone better"-or that one thing that you don't have comes along to show you that there's room for improvement-and ego is part of what keeps me coming back to get it....

..on the other hand, in some matters I can't help but be an arrogant, consummate anus-it keeps me alive, literally.
shesulsa said:
Where does yours start and end?

Does one need a certain amount of ego in the martial arts? I have heard it argued that a teacher/instructor should be able to carry enough ego to convey a leadership quality. Of course, one would have to keep careful watch over the dissemination of egoism upon students.

Does it end in the ring? Does it end if you lose a bout?

Hmm, ego - the considering of oneself as the seat of consciousness. The considering of oneself the aggregate of all conscious acts. The superficial conscious part of ones identity. Self-centerness.

I don't believe one needs much ego at all. To have confidence in oneself doesn't mean one has ego.
shesulsa said:
Where does yours start and end?

Mine starts with the letter "E" and ends with the letter "o". ;)
I use to have a personal ego that I carried into the gym with me,but I noticed that it hindered my training,because is someone where to get the best of me,then I use to become very embarrsed fustrated and angery.I decieded to let that go because traning is something I do for fun,not something that I should be trying to gain recognition for.In this way I learn from all of my fights,about what I should and should not attempt and what I need to work on.
When I finally did let it go,I was able to concentrate better in class without the fear of embrassment.

Even though that personal ego is gone I do believe in personal honor(Bushido;which is different than an ego).To me all personal honor is,is doing the right thing no matter how difficult it is.In that aspect there's never a reason to be embrassed about anything as long as you do what you know is right.
There will always be someone bigger, taller, stronger, faster, younger, better trained, luckier, what have you... Allowing your ego to grow to the point that it obscures this idea not only allows you to hide the truth from yourself, but puts you in danger... and the most of the truly egotistical people I have met were not nearly as good as they thought they were. I know how much I have learned, and how much is still left for me to learn in the future; I have also watched my seniors who would be justified in being egotistical, and, while they are confident in their abilities, they are also open about their weak points - and I prefer to follow their example.
The word ego is....THE SELF, especially as compared to others....
This speaks to me of inflamed self worth and self importance. I do not see this as a good or necessary quality in the Martial Artist. In my opinion, the martial arts should build confidence in abilities while destroying self importance. I for one choose to try to become more interested in the people around me than myself (maybe we would not HAVE to fight if more people took that attitude). Keep in mind, this does not mean passiveness! Confidence when needed, humility the rest of the time!
Hello, Ego's is a trait we all have. To use it most important. We need our "Ego' improve our-SELF.

Some of you may believe "ego's is a negative trait. It can be in the wrong hands.

We need to be proud of our SELVES, we need to believe in our SELF, and self-worth. "Loving one-self" will lead to loving others too! (You do not want to over do "self-love.

Those who do drugs/get drunk not love themselves and cannot except who they are..and believe they cannot become they do things to reach failure.

Your "Ego's....very important for the right hands and use the right way.....your life will be "Bigger" for it.

All martial artist believe in themselves and what they are learning leads to a better/safer life.

Your " EGO's at work...24/7......never let it stop working for you....Aloha
Inflated egos often pop with the smallest needles! And in my experience those with the biggest egos make the biggest targets of themselves and are consequently the easiest to damage. Hope that makes sense...
