Effectivness of Website


MTS Alumni
Does your school have a website? If so is it one aimed at recruiting new students? If so how effective has your site been?

I just finished upgrading my schools website, and I'm just curious as to how many schools out there have a website geared towards allowing people to get information about the school or even signup online?

My school's site is
7smTKFF is you guys want to take a look, its not done by any means, but its at least up there so people can find us.

Originally posted by cdhall
The 3 images at the top of the page are broken.
yeah, I left them broken, I'm finishing an image to place there.

I'm just curious as to how many students people have signed up through their website, the effectivness of even having a website.

for the teens and 20 somethings the internet is a HIGHLY effective marketing tool. Just make sure you're registered with the search engines.

Personally, if I can't find something online, I usually decide it isn't worth the trouble of finding at all.
I think a website can be a great way to get informaiton about the school to existing students. More so than it would be effective as an advertising tool.
Originally posted by Elfan
I think a website can be a great way to get informaiton about the school to existing students. More so than it would be effective as an advertising tool.

Yes, it will be more useful to
a) people doing general research on the web
b) existing students
c) distanced students, affiliates in far off places, former students...

I doubt it will prove much of a recruiting success. The person I mentioned above says the radius for students is approx 5miles and Drive By is the most effective advertising...
You most likely will not generate alot of new business soley from your website.

So why have one?

It is a tireless salesman, if designed right. It works 24/7/365 and allows you to show off your school, instructors and art.

It also is a great way to keep your students upto date on events, class schedules, test dates, etc.

Many times a prospective student will prioritize who they call based on -if- they have a website.

A website is only a part of the puzzle. If -you- don't tell folks its there, you'll see low traffic.

Make sure the address is on your business cards, in -all- your advertising, flyers, etc. Put it in the school window, and on your sign if you can. Put it on your car bumper. :)

Make sure its listed here (and on other forums) in your profile, and make sure you send it in to me for listing in our schools database.

For more tips, see my article in MT Magazine. :)
Thanks Kaith, that is a big help.
I'm surprised at how many of you guys don't feel the website is going to be a good tool for recruiting. I guess its true, we have had one for almost a year(not a good one mind you) and we have only signed up one person from it, but that right there pays for the site itself for more than that one year. So it was a good investment.
I guess I may have to change up some of my schemes for the site to include more for the existing student as well.

NP. :)

Heres the way I see it...The better tool you make it for your existing students, the better recruiting tool it can be. A well maintained web site shows a school thats doing stuff. If your last listed seminar is last year, and you've had more since then, thats bad. It's like maintaining your physical location. If the class schedule is 2 months old, and the equipments scattered about all the time, well, it reflects badly.

Please note: You do not have to spend a fortune on the site for it to look clean n professional. Most of the sites I've done for martialarts schools are in the $200-$500 range. (MT would cost a a little more though :D)

Excerpt from August 2003 MartialTalk Magazine
3-Quality Site Design –
What is web design? Web design is putting together a Web site. A Web site is your message to the world telling them who you are, what you are, and what you are about. It is critical to have a well-designed and well thought out Web site. It allows your site to grow and expand as your needs change. Whether your site is a single page or multiple pages or even spread out over many physical locations on many different machines, a well-designed site will make your connections appear seamless and streamlined.

People who are visiting Web-sites do not want to spend a lot of time figuring out who you are, where you are, and how to find out the information they want. And time is the critical element here. So, web design is simply presenting yourself at your best so that people can get to know you and to use your services as soon as possible.

Too often, people cut corners on their websites. They use pre-designed templates that give their site a ‘cookie cutter’ look. They also have poor navigation that makes it hard for someone who visits to find information easily. Remember, the average visitor only spends a few minutes skimming your site. If they can’t find it, they move on to the next site. Even though many people have high-speed connections, many more do not. AOL is still the dominant internet provider for over 30 million people. That’s a lot of slow dial ups. Too many sites today have huge ‘Flash’ animated intros that don’t allow you to skip them.

(BTW - MT Mag is currently doing a subscription drive to help raise $ to keep MT running at full speed. Its a great buy, has tons of good stuff in it every month and goes right back into supporting the board.)
when I was looking for somewhere to train, I had already figured out that there were no kenpo schools in my town. The phone book covered Corona and Riverside, but I knew I didn't want to drive all the way to Riverside... so, I got online, found Mr. Hebler's website, which listed a school in Norco. I picked up the phone and called. If it wasn't for that website, I wouldn't be training.

Don't underestimate the number of people like me who use the internet as their primary, if not ONLY resource when they're searching for something like that. The website let me see a little bit of the school's philosophy before bothering to drive down there, which helped.
A website alone will not increase your enrollment. But it adds validity to your school. Like Nightingale said if she can't find it online then it may not be worth her time. Use the website as a tool, and let others know it is out there. But first and foremost your school itself will be the best sales pitch. I saw that you have a 30 day free trial period. That is probably going to be your best thing for your school. It shows that you are confident in your school and you know that people will stay.

I'm surprised at how many of you guys don't feel the website is going to be a good tool for recruiting. I guess its true, we have had one for almost a year(not a good one mind you) and we have only signed up one person from it, but that right there pays for the site itself for more than that one year. So it was a good investment.
I guess I may have to change up some of my schemes for the site to include more for the existing student as well.
We have found that one of the best marketing strategies is to do demo's at county fairs and local picnics. Last year alone from the county fair we enrolled like 25 people. Your best bet in using a website is to get out in public and do some demo's and hand out your 30 day free membership cards, and include your web address. Also stay around after the demo to answer questions and make yourself available. When it is time to go, give them your web address and tell them to feel free to contact you via the email address on your website. We have not generated any enrollments from the website alone, but by using it in the way I just said above, it adds a lot to your school and makes a big impression, we are a young school and we enroll between 3-6 new students a month. As far as adding stuff for existing students, that is an excellent idea. On our website I have a students section that I have had in the works for some time but have not had the time to really get it rolling, I have had "coming soon" on that page for a long time, too long. Time to go and get to work what am I doing blabing on in here for..............
our web site has been a great boost in our school business.
i think most people expect to be able to find a business through the internet nowadays.
we regularly get e-mails now from it and more than 50% end up coming down to check out the school.
it has been good for getting new students but it is also a good place to post info for current students.
Thats awesome, we have been getting somewhere between 85 and 120 hits a day lately on it, so at least that is a good sign. Alot of those I believe are students however, as we have a forum on our site for the US Kung Fu Exchange. It has been good in spreading the word to students and parents about upcoming events however.

i think having a website is pretty much essential. like Kaith said it is virtually a salesman that works 24/7/365. its a great way to let people know about your art, instructors, what your classes are like, upcoming events, etc., or even to show what your past events were like. it gives people the first impression of your school-which can make you or break you. in regard to enrollment, we have had numerous students join from seeing our website. we also get others that found us online while they were looking for a place to train for a couple of days while on business trips. whatever you end up showcasing on a website, i think its is a vital part of your schools business.
Keep in mind the "tool" is only good as it is designed. Be sure to throughtly research into the design and layout of your site.

What you or the designer "May" think is cool and or awesome, the user may not. Keep it simple and easy with the user in mind at all times. The easier it is for the user to find and access the information they are looking for, the better chance of success that your web site will have in producing some results in people inquiring about your school.

Out of all my years in web developement, it still amazes me how some site designers and owners develop the web sites based on their preferences and not with the user in mind!


have some friends who know almost nothing about your school betatest your site. have them go on and click through it and make suggestions. User friendly is a GOOD THING!
Originally posted by Deaf
Keep in mind the "tool" is only good as it is designed. Be sure to throughtly research into the design and layout of your site.

What you or the designer "May" think is cool and or awesome, the user may not. Keep it simple and easy with the user in mind at all times. The easier it is for the user to find and access the information they are looking for, the better chance of success that your web site will have in producing some results in people inquiring about your school.

Out of all my years in web developement, it still amazes me how some site designers and owners develop the web sites based on their preferences and not with the user in mind!


Yes, like excessive flash content. For people that have dial-up that gets real old real fast.

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