Drink Pepsi, be booted from Olympics.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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From Slashdot.org (Full article at: http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/22/1544247&tid=98&tid=17)
Your Rights Online: The IOC's 'Clean Venue' Policy

Posted by michael on Sunday August 22, @12:13PM
from the consume dept.
Dave21212 writes "Yes folks, the International Olympic Committee's 'Brand Protection Team' will be protecting against the threat of Advertising Terrorism at the games. According to an MSNBC article, the IOC's Karen Webb states 'Our role is to protect all of our sponsor categories and actively monitor ambush activity.' Restricted items include, flags, umbrellas, shirts, hats, and bags with trademarks of rival sponsors. Unofficial brands can be confiscated and with only Coke allowed on Olympic grounds, this brings new meaning to The Pepsi Challenge!"
In part because the Olympics brings out such noble ideals - people from around the world, competing in "pure" sport, etc. - it seems even more disgraceful how commercialized it is.
Seems incredibly anal in my opinion, especially considering just how much stuff we wear -is- corporate branding these days. I mean, would I have to turn my MartialTalk tee-shirt inside out because MT didn't pay for TV time? Sheesh.
Something that wasn't quite clear for me from the article was whether individuals were censored or otherwise received any hassle for wearing sponsored clothing, such as the guy in the Puma shirt at the beginning of the article. It discusses how non-sponsors' ads were removed from the Olympic area, but were attendants actually affected? Just curious.
Maybe I should fly over and wear my pepsi sweats and hat then when they ask me to strip off the clothing revealing a HUGE PEPSI LOGO on my back in the form of a Tattoo.

"Take him out stat!" As Security detail draws loaded firearms aganist the evil Pepsi logo.
Mark Weiser said:
"Take him out stat!" As Security detail draws loaded firearms aganist the evil Pepsi logo.
That's funny Mark :) Endorsements and sponsorships for athletic events have gotten a bit outta hand I think! We went to a minor league baseball game last week and there were so many advertisements on the back wall that I couldn't even concentrate on the game! However I don't think they should tell people what they must wear as spectators to Olympic events. That's ridiculous, and beyond being Big Brotherish!

How about Nike? They were pretty creative in their approach.

MJ :)
Selling stuff always has been an important part of the olypics.
Competetion has been also. So has the competition of selling stuff.
I personalyy try to avoid wearing brand name advertising. If I was going to the olympics though I would have to wear pepsi. Like Pepsi every thing.

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