Don't Send Him Back To Us!

:chuckles: It was a touch mean I do agree (and I am a bit ashamed to take a behind-his-back 'pop' at him) ... but, trust me, he is not a good man.
He's seriously not a nice man, he just about ruined a lot of soldiers lives when he published a fake story about soldiers supposedly abusing Iraqi's. Luckily it was proved that the photos and the story were complete fakes. The regiments accused were here at the time and it caused a huge amount of concern and hurt.
The phone hacking scandal was also horrendous, where people, not just celebrities, phones were hacked, this included the parents of a child who was killed in a coach crash, a missing teenager's phone causing the parents to think she was still alive when in fact she had been murdered. There was a lot more besides, all done by him and his ilk. He was severely criticised by the Leveson Inquiry into the phone hacking scandal. He has the morals of a rancid cheese sandwich.
It'll never happen, anyway-his 1st Amendment right to be an *** free speech is protected under the 1st Amendment.

It would be nice to see the petition get more signatures than he has viewers, though...:lfao:

$Piers Morgan.jpg
Technically you shouldn't have let him in, he's got convictions for driving offences. One of our fighters was stopped from entering America to audition for TUF because he had the same convictions. I guess being rich and a celebrity makes a difference.
Technically you shouldn't have let him in, he's got convictions for driving offences. One of our fighters was stopped from entering America to audition for TUF because he had the same convictions. I guess being rich and a celebrity makes a difference.

Let's make one thing PERFECTLY clear here...I did not let him in...I had nothing to do with it.... I was having lunch at a wonderful restaraunt when he got in and no one told me about it until I read this thread... and that is my story and I'm sticking to it :D
It'll never happen, anyway-his 1st Amendment right to be an *** free speech is protected under the 1st Amendment.

It would be nice to see the petition get more signatures than he has viewers, though...:lfao:

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I'm not sure if his speech is protected as a foreign citizen, especially as a journalist. I believe the US has deported some "foreign agitators" for coming over and ingratiating our Constitution.

At any rate, I found this hilarious...

Brits have responded to the petition calling on the White House to deport Piers Morgan for his anti-second amendment stance by lodging a petition of their own with UK Home Secretary Theresa May entitled ‘Stop Piers Morgan from being deported back to the UK from America’.

The original petition to deport Morgan for his unconstitutional rhetoric following the Sandy Hook school shooting has now achieved almost 70,000 signatures, well beyond the 25,000 required to mandate a White House response.

However, a counter-petition which features on the website calls on the UK government to prevent Morgan from returning to the UK.

“We got rid of him once and why should we have to suffer again. The Americans wanted him so they should put up with him. We washed our hands of him a long time ago,” the petition reads.

This reminds me of Montey Python. Gotta love British humor!