Donald Trump for president

the morman thing, to start off with. Mormanism is still seen as a cult by many americans.

Also, he created a mini-obamacare when he was gov of mass. That wont help him with conservatives.
People who are good at business are not necessarily good politicians. Trump would make quick decisions - not necessarily a bad trait in an of itself, but I feel about as lukewarm about his potential designs on the presidency as I did about Ross Perot.

I still think a consumer watchdog would be a good way to go ... since it's supposed to be about the people anyway.
Well, if he runs against the next Bush Catasrophe, I really have to wonder ... does Trump have enough money to buy the vote? Is his money as old as the Bush legacy? Does he have enough connections to perform a classic intelligence coup? Does Bush's World Order have what it takes to get a third S.O.B. into the office of the presidency?

Tune for the next season of 'It Really Doesn't Matter Anyway Because Only Rich, Old White Men Serve Terms People Care About Besides We Haven't Had Enough Rich Bastards Run The Country Into The Ground Yet' on SBS (Such Bull ****).
Name recognition can be a scary thing:

That was kinda like Arnold's campaign...

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