Does your art involve Ki?

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Many arts involve some amount of Chi/Ki/Qi training, either through techniques, concepts or meditation. To what extent does your art involve it?
I don't believe any particular art has these quality, but the individual has the ability to produce it themself at the proper time.

TKD does not have chi or Ki power but yet we use it everyday when we do something outstanding outside our own personal relm of behavior.
In a sense, but I don't believe chi exists :)

to make that clearer... a lot of the same principles/effects attributed to chi will be used in any art, but are explained differently.

Same way one can use the "solid dome of the heavens" for navigation, and yet know that the stars are not all on a dome equall distance from us and rotating around us.

Same result, same observation, different explanation.
We train on ki development and movement using breathing excercises and a few qigong exercises as well.
Our art involves alot of circular motion which is naturally conducive to chi development, as opposed to linear movements. We also do qi gong exercises and discuss/practice chi developement at times...but those exercises are not a regular part of training. We may spend a class here and there devoted to qi qong exercises.

The way we train will naturally develop chi, over time, through the circular movements and breathing that we do train on a regular basis. Internal development is as big a part of training as external development in kung fu, and is a natural by-product of kung fu training. That's not to say it can be, and is, more highly developed in those who focus a greater amount of training to the specific development of chi, but that the concept of chi development to some degree, through training kung fu, is a given in our art.
I have a real hard time explaining how to develop chi or how to use it because I cannot really explain how it works. So, I mostly stick to using physics and other sciences in my MA class. I offer alternate explanations for things we do in class using chi terminology though...

It really depends. Some students are only interested in the exoteric parts of an art and some are only interested in the esoteric parts. I'm probably a better teacher to those of the former and not as good for the latter.
Hello, In our art, Ki is always mention and we all believe in KI. That was the way we were bought up. Kinda like knowing GOD? it is there but how do you prove it? NO one can prove GOD is real. (scientific proof). But we believe?

Anyway internal strenght has been known to happen! It is not a thing you can touch like metal, but like a is there! I believe in IT!!!

Ki, or in my case, Qi training is a large part of what I do, but I train internal Chinese martial arts; Yang Tai Chi and I am returning to Xingyi.
We use Chi/Qi training in our arts as well, modern arnis, tang soo do & others.

still learning said:
Hello, In our art, Ki is always mention and we all believe in KI. That was the way we were bought up. Kinda like knowing GOD? it is there but how do you prove it? NO one can prove GOD is real. (scientific proof). But we believe?

Anyway internal strenght has been known to happen! It is not a thing you can touch like metal, but like a is there! I believe in IT!!!


Ki can be explained by the movement of neurons through our nerves. Its like an electrical flow, which of course can be strengthened. It isn't realized that science already explains these things? Flexibility is the most well known ki improving exercise, simply because it opens your body for a better vascular flow (which fuels your body with more oxygen). Pressure Points are points in which nerves cross, split, or end, being the main transportation zones for these "electrical waves". My arm hurts too much now from Jujutsu to type anymore, so... maybe more later.
still learning said:
Hello, In our art, Ki is always mention and we all believe in KI. That was the way we were bought up. Kinda like knowing GOD? it is there but how do you prove it? NO one can prove GOD is real. (scientific proof). But we believe?

Anyway internal strenght has been known to happen! It is not a thing you can touch like metal, but like a is there! I believe in IT!!!


bladenosh said:
Ki can be explained by the movement of neurons through our nerves. Its like an electrical flow, which of course can be strengthened. It isn't realized that science already explains these things? Flexibility is the most well known ki improving exercise, simply because it opens your body for a better vascular flow (which fuels your body with more oxygen). Pressure Points are points in which nerves cross, split, or end, being the main transportation zones for these "electrical waves". My arm hurts too much now from Jujutsu to type anymore, so... maybe more later.

Dr Yang gives a similar explanation in the beginning of most of his books on Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

Also his first Qi Gong book goes into great depth and is more of a Qi Textbook actually.
Bob Hubbard said:
Many arts involve some amount of Chi/Ki/Qi training, either through techniques, concepts or meditation. To what extent does your art involve it?

My TKD class hasn't done much with the Chi in the year that I have been training. One night we did an exercise where we pulled the Chi away from the partner and circled it back into a strike against the partner.

Thanks for everyone's input on this, I'm interested in learning more.
Within the paradigm that is White Crane, Chi/Qi is a fundamental concept and set of principles. Particularly within our Minghequan (Calling Crane) art being one of the more internal forms of White Crane.

As for being a concept or science, I believe Chi/Qi within the context of our art is more about encapsulating the various concepts within a unique terminology for the transmission of same.

I'm know I'm going off topic here, but at what point did this topic stop being a discussion and start being a contest to see who can say "I'm right and You're wrong" more often, and in the greatest variations. I believe the original title of this thread was (and still is) "Does your art involve Ki?" Not, "do you think ki really exists"?

Sorry...had to vent.
Henderson said:

I'm know I'm going off topic here, but at what point did this topic stop being a discussion and start being a contest to see who can say "I'm right and You're wrong" more often, and in the greatest variations. I believe the original title of this thread was (and still is) "Does your art involve Ki?" Not, "do you think ki really exists"?

Sorry...had to vent.
Good point.
Ok, debate on the existence of chi has been split off. Please continue that discussion there.
Thank you.