Does anybody have a training plan or schedule I could have? Or advice?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
I posted a smiliar thread on the Tae Kwon Do forums. I had my own training plan but I was advised to scrap it because it would probably do more damage to me than good, and decrease flexibility rather than improve my flexibilty and would most likely slow me down.
I try to and was training once a day but I now have nothing to work from. I only have dunbells to work from for weight training at home but does anybody have a plan which I could use that maybe includes stretches as well?

I think Dan Anderson has one that he publishes. If its like all his other thingshe writes and sells then its first class. I think his web site is
He is one of the mods here (I think)
I work out at home too. Dumbbells are great. They don't take up too much space and if you're alone there are a lot of exercises you can do much more safely with them. pretty much anything you do with a barbell you can do with dumbbells, you can't go as heavy but your stabilizer muscles get more work. If you're worried about flexibility, and I am too, as I get older, some advice, and this is just what has worked for me personally, is to not go too heavy, but to try to maintain good form (back straight, isolate the muscle you're working). With dumbbells I do bench press, flys, lunges, military presses, curls, bent over rows, tricep kick backs, and there are lots more you can find with a little research. I warm up before doing dynamic stretches and some calisthenics, and save the long slow static stretches for after. If you're a TKD guy you already know how to stretch, though. bodyweight exercises are great too (pushups, crunches, dips, chins). This all just what I do, works ok for me. One other thing, I find its best to not strength train every day, every other day works best for me.
I agree with with lonecoyote, dumbbells are great. If you want some ideas on dumbbell routines, visit this site,

Also, I highly recommend a book entitled THE HOME WORKOUT BIBLE. It is amazing! The authors really present a lot of great ideas for exercises and routines. They cover bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, barbells, and the pulley machine / total home gym thingy.

I hope this helps.

Peace & health,
just train with balance. do weights at first and then finish off with technique. the way i like to train is the way i practice piano. do the things that you are weak in. some people try to impress themselves when they train alone. doing/playing the stuff they do best. your time is valuable so do the stuff that you don't know to get better in. no one is around to see you mess up anyway so why not use that time to improve.

training schedules need to be tailored to the individual. Work with your instructor, or better, a personal trainer, to develop one you can follow on your own.
Oh I misundrstood the question (not unusual for me) I when I was fighting would do weights at lunch light lifted by reps/time meaning say 100 lbs 20 reps in 30 sec. did that 3 sets legs arms ect. then after work I would do step areobics then ate and on to the sparring class.. 5 days a week.

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