Do you like Asian scary movies?

The Asian Hollywood has been turning out horror for a long time. As of late they've been horrendous... as in terrifyingly good! Ringu, Ju-on, Honogurai mizu no soko kara and the terrifying
Their American remakes/versions/whatever (The Ring, The Grudge, Dark Water, and Audition aren't really quite as good even if scene by scene... they just somehow lack the PUNCH of the originals. Other Japanese horror that I've enjoyed are a bit older... one was a trilogy of short films called Kwaidan which had ghost stories from ancient Japan. Another horror compilation called Dark Tales of Japan which has a few good short stories to tell.
"H" is a Korean horror film that I've enjoyed...
So yeah it's a fair bet that I've enjoyed the horror that comes from across the OTHER pond.
I enjoyed originals The Grudge and Ringu. But every other Japanese horror I've seen after that was a yawn. Especially Ju-on.

OTOH I saw The Host last year (Korean). Not bad at all.