Do Endorsements Matter?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
Do endorsements of Presidential Candidates matter?
Lets compare people who endorsed John McCain vs those who endorsed Obama:
Military Leaders
McCain: 14 Four Star Generals or Admirals
Plus 300 Former Generals and Admirals
Obama: Five Four Star Generals or Admirals including Wes Clark
Senior Diplomats
McCain:Four former Secretaries of State
Obama: Madeleine Albright
Business People
McCain: Forbes
Charles R. Schwab
Frederick W. Smith(Fed Ex)
Donald Trump
Warren Buffett
George Soros
Ben & Jerry
Craig Newmark (Craigslist)

Other endorsers of McCain
Nancy Reagan, both Presidents Bush, Tran Trong Duyet, who ran the Hanoi Hilton
Other endorsements of Obama
Hamas (he rejected)
Hezbollah has never been a terrorist organisation!

There are more on both sides. Yes, I did choose those I found interesting and/or infuriating, you want different ones? Post your own.
Why would the opinion of anyone else matter to a voter?

We get similar things happening over here with celebrities appearing in or supporting Party Political Broadcasts and I've never understood why it works on people. Then again, advertising doesn't work on me either so maybe I just don't respond well to peer pressure :lol:.

What matters to me is what a government will do (or at least says it will do) when it gets into Number 10. Personalities, public debates, pre-election polls et al, it's all frivolous fluff that distracts people from making their choice.

That choice should be based upon enlightened self-interest rather than anything else i.e. what is best for me, tempered by thought of how what is best for me affects the country at large.
Aye, there's little more malleable than a politicians stated intent :D.

EDIT: Oops, my mistake. You meant about No. 10 (Downing Street) being a little cryptic for a non-Britisher :eek:. I thought it was my parenthetical addition that had muddied the waters ...

Well, the above sentence is still true ... just not relevant to what you meant. Sorry :blush:.
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If I know and respect someone and they endorse someone who I don't know then yes, endorsements matter. Other than that, it doesn't matter very much, especially when the endorsement is from another politician or an entertainer.
That is not untrue, TF and depending on who the endorsers are you can get an idea of how smooth the road ahead is going to be but I really wouldn't let an endorsement sway my own views on the issues.

They're what really matter after all.
Hamas' endorsement of Obama is worrisome. A terrorist group endorsed a US Presidential candidate. If that doesn't bother you, something is wrong.
Does that really mean anything tho', Don?

Most nations around the world favour Obama over McCain solely based on the fact that they're fed up of what the Bush administration has done. It doesn't mean anything and it certainly won't (or shouldn't) have any impact on how people vote, surely?
Does that really mean anything tho', Don?

Most nations around the world favour Obama over McCain solely based on the fact that they're fed up of what the Bush administration has done. It doesn't mean anything and it certainly won't (or shouldn't) have any impact on how people vote, surely?
You'd be shocked and quite horrified to fully realize what can make up the mind of many Americans in the voting booth. Most of the folks that post here in the study are better informed on the issues than the vast majority of Americans and it shows in many of the arguments on both sides of the political spectrum here. Many Americans will actually vote because a certain actor says "I'm voting for this guy" and that's enough to sway many folks over here. I mean, he played a president in a movie so he must know what he's talking about, right? :(
Now that you say it, Jeff, I do reluctantly have to concur that you're right on the lack of awareness of many people.

If it's any comfort, cold comfort as it may be, it's not just in America that this is so :(.
"Tran Trong Duyet, who ran the Hanoi Hilton"

WOW I didn't know that. I find it remarkable what Senator McCain went through while a POW and have been brought to tears hearing the other prisoners tell their stories. This was long before the presidential campaigns. The courage or fortitude, the honor are all remarkable but the forgiveness and understanding that Senator McCain has demonstrated shows the world how to heal…if they have the testicular fortitude to only do so. That the guy who ran the camp, was in charge of the years of torture that John McCain had to endure, the guy who was able to see Senator McCain at both his best and his worst, that these guys are able to have a relationship with each other DOES say a lot to me. Both are better men than I am.

Brian King
Hamas' endorsement of Obama is worrisome. A terrorist group endorsed a US Presidential candidate. If that doesn't bother you, something is wrong.


Because you think it might mean he sees this as weakening the US military?

or because you think it might mean he sees a better chance at ending this and having peace with Obama in charge?

or because you think it means Obama will do something dumb, like invade a Muslim country without cause and draw more people to the fight against America?
Endorsements don't matter much, unless it's as a liability.

As in when McCain distanced himself from Hagee.

An endorsement like Hamas' doesn't matter much, because they're not in the U.S., and it wasn't solicited-Obama hasn't had contact with Hamas. It's sort of like getting an endorsement from bin Laden. While it would get some attention, it's not like anyone cares what he thinks, any more than we can or should care that McCain was endorsed by any number of nuts in Hollywood, like Stephen "Porn destroys families" Baldwin, let alone the virtual bottom of the barrel in TV evangelists. While some endorsements might have some sway, like Lance Armstrong's, they are rarely because of that person's stance on issues, and more because people feel an "emotional connection" with the individual in question.

I certainly didn't think twice about voting for McCain because of Hagee's endorsement, and various questionable statements. Why should someone not vote for Obama because a gorup with which he's had no contact at all (that we know of, I guess) endorses him as "their candidate of choice," when he's no more likely to be anymore friendly to them as President than......Jimmy Carter, maybe? :lol:

Because you think it might mean he sees this as weakening the US military?

or because you think it might mean he sees a better chance at ending this and having peace with Obama in charge?

or because you think it means Obama will do something dumb, like invade a Muslim country without cause and draw more people to the fight against America?

way to be impartial Andrew.....

It is troubling because when you take Hammas' goals, then thier endorsement of Obama, and what do you get?

Hammas wants to destroy Israel.

If they DONT LIKE McCain, it must be cause they think he wont help them achieve that goal.

if they DO like Obama, it means they think he is either gonna help them achieve that goal or at least not stand in the way

anytime a terrorist group endorses an american politician, givent heir stated goal of destroying Israel and America, we should pretty much do the opposite
The more I hear endorsements the more I hate politics.

I really could care less who endorses what candidate. I vote for the person I consider will be best for the job. Having celebrities and groups endorse someone just tells me that money has been passed in the way of contributions or that someone or group is looking to the future for some thing be it a position or a favorable act
way to be impartial Andrew.....

I'm probably more impartial then you, US elections only influence me indirectly.

It is troubling because when you take Hammas' goals, then thier endorsement of Obama, and what do you get?

Hammas wants to destroy Israel.

Obama is not going to let them destroy Isreal, no US president would.

If they DONT LIKE McCain, it must be cause they think he wont help them achieve that goal.

if they DO like Obama, it means they think he is either gonna help them achieve that goal or at least not stand in the way

anytime a terrorist group endorses an american politician, givent heir stated goal of destroying Israel and America, we should pretty much do the opposite

Wasn't there some controversy 4 years ago when Bin Laden shifted a few votes by supporting the democrats... then analysts looked at it and thought maybe he did it to give Bush a boast as it made recruitment to his cause easier?

I suspect if Hamas had come out in support of McCain that is exactly what the right wing media would be claiming right now. That he had done so to try and draw people away from McCain.