distance learning, anyone?


White Belt
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hello every1 !
That's not that I goona join it right away, but Iwannano if some1 provides a distant learning of his/her respective MA. Please make the benefits of your distant learning clear enough so even guy like me can get it. U can also state some cons of you learning if want to. I'll post the thread to other forums of martialtalk.com. Thanks anyway.:jediduel:
i think distance learning is better than not training at all, but far inferior to getting into an actual dojo. there's no replacement for live correction, the fun of training with others, and the community of a good school.

that said, if you're out in the bush someplace you can definitely check out www.gojushorei.com or larry tatum's site (is it www.lt.com?). they both have solid, complete curriculums.

or you could go with chief ronan and get your belt and certificate in the mail right along with the tapes.....:rolleyes:
or you could go with chief ronan and get your belt and certificate in the mail right along with the tapes.....:rolleyes:

There is also a Ninjutsu Master selling a complete system in the pages of Black Belt magazine Richard Van Donk by name, and you get a your black belt AND a uniform patch..
Heck for 2000 I can give you a black belt if you want and a certificate

10 belt display rack = $35.00

10 belts at 13.00 a piece = 130.00

a Uniform for $100.00

3 DVDs at 25.00 a piece in any style you desire = $75.00

a certificate for $250.00

And $1410.00 just cause

BINGO you’re a black belt

But if your interested in CMA it will cost you more, because I need to go to China to buy the VCDs and that would slap on an additional $7000.

Of course you could have saved money and gone to AWMA and about your own black belt, DVDs and uniform for about $188.00 plus shipping and handling and it would mean about as much but I wouldn’t get anything out of it that way.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Distance learning a Martial Art.

Distance learning an MA is a supplement to training at best, nothing else.

Log onto E-Bay..Last year there was a gentleman from England selling a system that he guaranteed would make you an elite level black belt in the privacy of your own home in UNDER one week,,,
Log onto E-Bay..Last year there was a gentleman from England selling a system that he guaranteed would make you an elite level black belt in the privacy of your own home in UNDER one week,,,

Boy it is getting deep with what some of these people are doing now a days.
Boy it is getting deep with what some of these people are doing now a days.

I wish I would have had the forsight to save a copy of this system and post it here..You all would have laughed..
I am amazed with everyone offering distance learning, quick fast ways to blackbelt, train in your own home programs, be a blackbelt in a week, etc. There must be a huge market for this type of gimmicky stuff. What is really sad is that the only way to get good at martial science is to train and train the right way under the watchful eye of an instructor who can give you feedback along the way.
Log onto E-Bay..Last year there was a gentleman from England selling a system that he guaranteed would make you an elite level black belt in the privacy of your own home in UNDER one week,,,


Good Greif!

Ok here's my take on distance learning.

If its all you got.... then its all you got. However if you have other (viable) options then I reccomend against it. A video can't watch your technique and correct you. If there is some sort of method for an instructor to critique you, chances are that the bad habits are already instilled and 2000 billion times harder to correct.

Distance training from home makes it harder to 'stick to it' Just how many buy a tredmill/home gym equip. and never use it. But if they get a gym mebership they are more likely to go... that monthly payment keeps em going.

**edit** Forgot to add that seperating your place of training from home sometimes help focus your thoughts on training. I know that for myself, its hard to work on katas or techniques when I can just hop on the internet and cruise MT all day

Training from home usually limits your training partners as well. It's kinda hard to spar your cat. At a school you will encounter a broader range of training partners. (granted not all will be to your liking but that's part of the training in my opinion). The more people you work with the more you apply the techniques on a broader group of people ensures you understand how to make the technique work. Sometimes there's no better lesson than a stuborn uke that fights back.

Just my two cents.

Oh and I tried the distance thing... Seeing my instructor as often as possible after I moved... I developed bad habits and didn't train nearly as much as I should have. So this is from a little bit of personal experience.

What is really sad is that the only way to get good at martial science is to train and train the right way under the watchful eye of an instructor who can give you feedback along the way.

Truer word were never written..Want to be amazed?? Go to ebay and after the main page downloads type Hapkido or Karate in the What Are Searching For blank..You will be amazed..
Moderator Note:

Thread moved to beginner's corner in hopes of generating more responses to the thread.

Lisa Deneka
MartialTalk Super Moderator
I know I've already given my 2 cents, but here's a bit more spare change thats been rattling around in that void I call a brain.

If you do opt for a distance learning program I highly reccomend getting some sort of training partner. Con a friend into it, some one to train with. There are a few reasons for this.

First: I already mentioned that a resisting body will aid in understanding of technique.

Second: Having a training partner usually involves some sort of mutual commitment. This commitment will help you get up and train on a day you may not entirely feel like it (which IMO is the most important time to train)

Third: While I can't stress enough that MA is best studied under a qualified instructor (suspect phrase I know), a training partner is a live body that can give instantanious feed back on your technique. While your partner wont have the knowledge and skill of an instructor, he/she may spot something and help you correct it.

Some other considerations:

Attend seminars when and where you can. Even if it's of a different style. (given the general distain many MA'ers have for distance programs it may be wise to down play that fact at a seminar) At a seminar you have the luxury of working with a wide range of people, and this will help with the grasping of techniques.

If you can not find a partner to train with invest in some sort of recording device. Watching a recoding of yourself is a good way to spot something that is wrong. (I imagine some if not most disance programs require recordings as a means of grading) Even still it will be of bennifit. If it's digital it's simple to up load to the net and get feed back (but you better have some pretty thick skin as people can be pretty uhh candid)

Again just my opinion

I know its been said 1000000 billion times but I cant stress it enough, nothing can replace a good instructor.

Training from home usually limits your training partners as well. It's kinda hard to spar your cat.

You haven't met my cat then....

Anyway, I consider most of my training to be distance learning, but I actually travel to the closest place that the instructor is going to be and learn with them, then suppliment my training with their videos and such. I also had a 10 year martial arts backgroud before I started training this way. I don't recommend it for a beginner, or for any certification purposes.
Hello, Just my thoughts on this? Long distance learning may work for some people. (martial arts training).

For most of us we will need someone who is experience to coach us. It is like learning boxing, can we do it from long distance learning? and without partners? most likely NOT.

Getting a GED or degree from college..yea it works..but Doing something physcial..like martial arts? Your learning and training will be 10 tens better if done in a martial art classes. Try learn welding from long distance? Hard huH?

Many times people want a particular art...that is not close to home...BUT any martial arts will teach you something you can USE. Better to have a teacher/Sensi/coach.

Later on you may move or travel to a new place and maybe able to learning the art you always wanted to try.....in the mean time....learn something else maybe a blessing.........Aloha
First of all thank you very much bushidomartialarts, dubljay, arnisador, Perpetual White Belt and still learning :) . Thank you for taking me seriously. Your information was most relevant for my question

Thank you all of :barf: you who wanted to sell me black belts:shock: . But I allready own a green belt and a black paint, could just mix them together if wanted. And then I know a local martial art store where the black belt would be much cheaper then your alternatives. I'm sorry but I'd rather buy there belt instead of yours. But who knows. Better luck next time.You'll find another buyers.

Now why did I ask this question? And did I ask the right question?
No I didn't ask the correct question.
About me:
Fought but most beaten on the streets when I was 13-18 years old more than the majority of civil people an MAsts would experience through their whole life. (Her I'm talking bout STREETS and CIVIL people not COPS, MARINES and UFC-fighters/Boxers)
After little stuff like a broken nose (had a surgery on that afterwards), broken arms etc I wanted some REAL LIFE/SD-related stuff
REAL LIFE (not by distance learning) green belt in WTF Taekwondo(great sport, bad SD - my opinion)
REAL LIFE grean triangle (3.SG) in WingTsun(bad sport, great SD, great damage to your brain cause of blowback of your own strikes, not the opponent's in this case). Why would I right this
BOOOORING :barf: selfbiography wich doesn't interest anyone?

Read on to hear more boring stuff!!!%-}

So let's say I found one original and rather unknown noneastasian martial art that absolutely rocks in SD terms (it was born for that and was proven in battlefields). It looks like aikido/jujutsu/hapkido/chin na/tantojutsu/bojutsu/dian xue shu/(kenjutsu? not sure)/and even "empty force like" stuff+can also be used as defence against fire arms/allmost everything else. And again NO, the style is not an east asean one, not a modern MMA or other combatives interpretation, not discussed in (I believe) in topic for itself but mentioned many times here and there. I'm not even sure that some is training it in it's original form outside Europe.
The arts history would be the same as Hwarangdo's or if the bujutsu/oldNreal ninjutsu became Karate historiacally: I mean from war specialist's style trough willage folk style to modern style.

I found this art for myself. I will not mention the name of this art cause I don't want to miscredit it or people training it. I do not mention it not because I wan't to advertise for it or to make it exclusive, cause many people a tempted by the "forbidden apple". The (not so) funny thing is that maybe this style will never be practiced or really known outside the it's area today. The guys who teach it are some kind of "idealists". the Last real MA idealists wich I know are Jigaro K. and Erle M. and some others who are unfortunatelly unknown by the others. Almost every other MA "modern" founders did because of making money, they were asked to, or of other "nonalthruistic" way.
I contacted one of the trainer (from whom I only learned from a distance) cause I liked their school ideology and that's why wanted to help the school to become a more popular one. The school can only offer a direct (physical) training or a distance learning. He asked me to study how to expand this MA knowledge by providing distance learning stuff. There is no possibility to for seminars/schools worldwide right know. The school need a least 1 year/good connections/solid financial base for it. this was/is the way for all new MA.

So the question I should ask is:

HOW CAN YOU MAKE A GOOD DISTANCE LEARNING, SO THE MAJORITY WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THIS WAY UNTIL THIS MA HAS ENOUGH PHISICAL SCHOOLS TO OFFER PHYS.TRAINING/SEMINARS IN OTHER COUNTRIES (not talking about worldwide)? WHAT DO NEED TO INCLUDE/AVOID TO GET A GOOD LEARNING? You still need to physically contact the trainers in order to be certified(there're no belts in this MA, sorry!). If you know other approaches to provide a nonphysical education you can tell about it.
Thank you very much.:) :) :)