Disgusting 20/20 sensationalism regarding guns


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MT Mentor
20/20 will be airing a special hosted by Diane Sawyer called "If I only had a gun." Their basic thrust is that easy access to guns is dangerous and leads to violence. They also plan to prove that even if you had a gun, you wouldn't be able to use it to defend yourself, and that kids use them to kill themselves by accident anyway. They have a news article here that expands on their thesis in preparation for the special.

Putting aside that I find their thesis wrong headed and vile, the really disgusting part is the commercial they aired to promote the special. In the commercial, when they discuss "the attraction kids have to guns," they show hidden camera footage of a young child putting an unloaded revolver to it's head and pulling the trigger.

That's the part I find disgusting. In a vile attempt at sensationalism they intend to show children putting guns to their own heads in order to convince us that "guns are bad." Now there's a convincing logical argument. Read sarcasm.

On the website I listed above, they also claim that "most of the recent shootings have been carried out by legal gunmen." Of course, if you read the article they don't mean recent shootings, they mean the high profile mass murders which have occurred recently. They don't offer any statistics on guns used in "recent shootings."

The whole thing is pathetic. I even think it's evil. People may or may not agree with my position on private property rights, but what I've read and seen so far of this report doesn't justify as journalism. Instead, it's depraved sensationalism, intended to capitalize on tragedy and further a political agenda.

Shocking. Only, not really. And that's just sad.

Classic media. They get the "antis" who already agree with the premise to watch PLUS they stir up all the pro-2nd people into watching too. They WANT to upset us in the hopes we will watch. The best thing that can happen is that nobody watches it and the ratings for ABC tank that night.
I don't watch 20/20 anyway, I just saw the ad for it. I do watch some of their dramas, such as Castle. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy too, but that show got stupid in season 3.

20/20 and most anti-gun folks mean well, but as usual, miss the point.


But, what would people who had just fought and won a war against a government that believed in disarming it's citizens and abusing them know?

As always, proper education, and proper enforcement of existing laws, not disinformation and further restriction is the solution.
20/20 and most anti-gun folks mean well, but as usual, miss the point.

News programs put out by the traditional US networks have declined in quality rapidly over the last twenty years or so IMO. Programs like 20/20 today are virtually indistinguishable from the early onset of tabloid TV shows like A Current Affair and Hard Copy. The major media have stoked the Red State / Blue State hysteria by telling every story in such a manner that it must have a liberal spin and a conservative spin. It's actually very sad. US network news was once a very good product.
It's amazing what fear does to the masses. Both the left AND the right have been using fear to forward their campaigns for decades.
I saw the commercial for it and sat shaking my head in disbelief. I won't be watching the program, because it seems quite clear they will not be giving equal time or opportunity to pro-gun advocates. They will not be asking what is recommended in the way of education and training, both for children and adults. They will not be asking what gun laws are currently in place and what attempts are made at enforcement, both at the State and Federal levels. In short, the journalistic content will be nil. It will be an advertisement and endorsement for the anti-gun types.
The media generally sensationalizes the firearms issue, and horribly skews things in favor of the anti-gun crowd for the most part.

I remember the Proposition B referendum in Missouri, back in the 90's, where the voters would decide on whether to allow a concealed firearms law to be enacted into law.

The rural areas of Missouri allowed both sides to air their ads, regarding this issue.

The airwaves in the St. Louis area gave virtually no time to the pro-gun faction, while abundantly giving plenty of time to Handgun Control Inc., and their very fallacious advertisements.

The bill would have allowed law-abiding civilians to carry *lawfully owned* concealed handguns. The Brady Bunch aired advertisements showing gangbangers firing fully automatic UZI submachine guns and fully automatic AK-47 style rifles. Neither weapon would have been permissible to conceal, of course, but that didn't stop them from blatantly lying about things.

Their attempts at trying to link felonious gangbangers to the law-abiding civilian were just plain disgusting, but the fact that they were given so much airtime in St. Louis and East Chicago, gave them a very slight edge in the overall vote tally.

Proposition B failed by a very slim margin. As expected, rural areas voted overwhelmingly in favor of it, and St. Louis and East Chicago voted mostly against it.

That was probably the crowning achievement of the Brady Bunch during that time period (other than their stupid assault weapons ban). In retrospect, though, their efforts ended up backfiring badly in their faces, since the Missouri House and Senate put forth a much better concealed carry bill, and overrode the veto of the virulently anti-gun HCI poster boy, "One Term Bob" Holden, forcing it into law.

So, thanks to the Brady Bunch, the state of Missouri actually received a much stronger, much more civilian-friendly law. Law-abiding folks, under Proposition B, would have had to jump through many more hoops, but the current law actually makes it rather easy.
You know what?

Normally I'd just grumble and move on, but today?

I'm home early from work, have the rest of the day off, and mom just got laid off, so at this point, on this single particular day, I'm just annoyed and just bored enough that I may just condescend to email them and take them to task.
They only allow a 500 character limit in emails. That's nowhere near long enough to sufficiently roast them alive. I'll just make a thread either here or on my blog and send THAT to every news agency/pro-gun place I think would hear it.
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I'm not a big fan of guns, and I do prefer certain limits on gun ownership, but blatant sensationalism like this program make me ill. :barf: