Disabled Veteran and the MA's?


Yellow Belt
I have studied martial arts on and off for many many years....never progressing past the first few promotions before lifes circumstances have made continuing an impossibility. I now find myself in a more static situation and would like to begin studying the Martial Arts at my own pace for my own enjoyment without regard to rank or title. Mainly just for my own inner peace and physical fitness. At the same time I want the art I begin to study to be a useful art. I have studied Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan, Goju, Tracy Kenpo and American Kenpo all to orange level except Shotokan which was to Green level. So I have the Basic Basics. I am fascinated with Kenpo. (All training is in the distant past....been at least 10 years)

What martial art would you recommend for a disabled veteran that has the following disabilities (100% 70% compensable through the VA)....

I have normal mobility but but cannot move (ie run) without pain. I have had reconstructive surgery on one ankle and one knee and probably should have the same on the other side. I have mild back problems and neck pain that is enough to be a bother but not enough to incapacitate me. I am not limber so need to do alot of stretching. Again, I am most fascinated with the Kenpo Systems but am open to Learning!!!

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Any recommendations? (I live in Phoenix AZ)

Thanks to all who respond......
Thank you for your service and your sacrifice! :asian:

The instructor is more important than the art. If you are interested in going back to Kenpo, you may be able to find an instructor that can work with your body's limitations. Tai Chi and Chi Gong can be excellent choices for folks with health and mobility concerns but what matters most is your instructors abilility to work with you. Good luck :)
It is not so much the style as it is the head instructor. If an instructor has good teaching skills, basic knowledge of kinseology(?), has the patience and time, he will take you further than you thought possible.

I was a 70% DAV then reduced to 50%. I still carry that nasty little 7.62 x 39 round in me. You can do most anything if you have the will power and good friends.
Good Luck,
The instructor is more important than the art.

It is not so much the style as it is the head instructor.

Let me add my voice to Carol and LawDog...I rejoined a Shorin-Ryu dojo after a serious industrial accident..I had to learn to walk all over again..The Sensei realized my limitations and worked with me to make better use of my strong points..I shall be forever grateful..
Phoenix has a top Kenpo instructor, Dennis Conatser.

Of course there's Tai Chi, but most martial arts instructors should be able to work withyou, I would think!
I thank you for the information. I will contact him in the near future to see what he is able to do for me in the way of private lessons. My biggest concern when I finally do find an instructor is being able to pay that instructor a fair fee while being able to actually afford the fee. Divorced and disabled vets dont have much pocket change! I'll eventually find someone and get it going. I appreciate the opportunity to post and get the advice from everyone!
Good luck.
I spoke with Mr Conatser by phone and if all goes well, I will begin training with him in the near future. I really look forward to learning from his experience to make myself a better person and eventually a competent martial artist.
Great news! Hope your journey goes well. :)
I spoke with Mr Conatser by phone and if all goes well, I will begin training with him in the near future. I really look forward to learning from his experience to make myself a better person and eventually a competent martial artist.

I suspect that you're as fine a person as anyone could ask for. And as for competence in MA... it will come, without fail, if you have the drive and desire, as you seem to have. Best of luck to you, sir, in your efforts. :asian:
I suspect that you're as fine a person as anyone could ask for. And as for competence in MA... it will come, without fail, if you have the drive and desire, as you seem to have. Best of luck to you, sir, in your efforts. :asian:
I thank you for your kind words. ....
I thank you for your kind words. ....

Nothing, compared with your service. I am constantly amazed at the lack of bitterness of people who have incurred disabilities serving their country... we have more than one person on this board in the same position, and never any complaint... it's very humbling.
I have studied martial arts on and off for many many years....never progressing past the first few promotions before lifes circumstances have made continuing an impossibility. I now find myself in a more static situation and would like to begin studying the Martial Arts at my own pace for my own enjoyment without regard to rank or title. Mainly just for my own inner peace and physical fitness. At the same time I want the art I begin to study to be a useful art. I have studied Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan, Goju, Tracy Kenpo and American Kenpo all to orange level except Shotokan which was to Green level. So I have the Basic Basics. I am fascinated with Kenpo. (All training is in the distant past....been at least 10 years)

What martial art would you recommend for a disabled veteran that has the following disabilities (100% 70% compensable through the VA)....

I have normal mobility but but cannot move (ie run) without pain. I have had reconstructive surgery on one ankle and one knee and probably should have the same on the other side. I have mild back problems and neck pain that is enough to be a bother but not enough to incapacitate me. I am not limber so need to do alot of stretching. Again, I am most fascinated with the Kenpo Systems but am open to Learning!!!

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Any recommendations? (I live in Phoenix AZ)

Thanks to all who respond......

Just discovered your post (been a long week), so read the whole thing at once. You've gotten good advice from some of the best on MT.

I'll just add, thanks for serving. Good to meet a fellow vet. Sorry to hear about your trials, but your positive outlook will take you a long way. Glad you've now connected to a good instructor, and best of luck in your martial pursuit. Please keep us posted, and I know eveyone here would heartily second that. :asian:
Just to update everyone, I met with Mr Conatser last week and he was a really great guy. He has agreed to take me on as a student of his and I am looking forward to getting started. I am worried about how long I'll be able to keep with the training on a consistent basis due to finances. I will do all I can to keep with it though. Thanks for all the help and advice from everyone.

With respects,

Just to update everyone, I met with Mr Conatser last week and he was a really great guy. He has agreed to take me on as a student of his and I am looking forward to getting started. I am worried about how long I'll be able to keep with the training on a consistent basis due to finances. I will do all I can to keep with it though. Thanks for all the help and advice from everyone.

With respects,


Fantastic news! Give it your best shot and see what happens. That's all any of us can do. :)
To call yourself a disabled Veteran is incorrect, you are an able Veteran that has to work a little harder.
Will power, along with a dose of personal pride is all that you will ever need.
Gotkenpo, first thing, thank you.

My first TKD instructor was parapalegic. He caught 3 rounds in the back and two in the front in VN. He had his legs, but couldn't feel below the thigh/knee (had to actually kind of 'flop' his legs to walk around). He later was confined to a chair.

You know, learning a kicking art from someone who can't move their legs... kind of goes to show you what people are capable of. He was an amazing man and I still find myself remembering things he taught me.

Thank you for showing the rest that we really can do things when we set our minds to it. I hope your Kenpo and MA journey serves you well!
Fantastic news! Give it your best shot and see what happens. That's all any of us can do. :)

Ditto Carol. Can't count yourself out over finances or things that may or may not come up down the road. One day at a time....

By the way, I think you're doing one of the best things possible for the extra baggage you brought back, by just getting moving. It's amazing how my attitude changes after a good workout. :)