Diamond Sparring

I'm new to this forum. I was interested in knowing how I should go about entering competitions. I haven't been able to find a trainer, so I've been conditioning and training myself for cardio and technique. Is that possible to compete of my own accord?

Also, I was just wondering if anyone was willing to spar MT. My name is Jeremy and I'm trying to get heavy into MMA, Muay Thai just so happens to be what appeals to my tastes. If there is anyone around the TN area who is looking for a sparring partner or so, I'm willing.
I would NOT recommend attempting to train yourself in Muay Thai,especially if you are wanting to compete.It is VERY improtant to get coached training.Once you have a soild base in the art then it is ok to train by yourself(if you dont have a teacher).If you can try to find a Muay Thai,American Kickboxing or Kyokushin Karate school,but training yourself is an easy way to get seriously hurt in a competions.
Hmm, well... I understand your concern, I truly do, but some of us more than others want nothing more than to fight. I'm actually establishing quite a foundation as we speak. I've taken American Kickboxing. I've been put out of Advanced, Full-Contact Taekwondo for brutality(Backwards spin-kick. Internal bleeding.) I've partaken Aikido for about a year and even some PaSaRyu with Kang Rhee.

I'm not ATTEMPTING to train myself in Muay Thai. I AM training myself. With all respect, I believe that I am able. It's been very hard finding a training institute in Memphis.

ALSO, coached? How do I go about getting a good coach? Is he just supposed to approach me out of thin air? How much would I be required to pay a good coach? It sucks trying to find this stuff out when you know you're already past age to weather and you have no family, friend, associate background/foundation in the fighting world. It's kind of funny actually, because no one in my family loves the "fight".

They see differently then I do. We can all watch Pride/UFC and not be watching the same show. Haha, but anyway... if it comes to it, if I can't do any better, I'll have to train myself. It's either try and get smashed or watch my dream fade to nothing. So... does either alternative sound so much worse? If I can't reach for the front... I deserve to be hurt, with all due respect, Slihn.
Im sorry I had the wrong impression of your first message,I thought that About the coach thing,it is really hard to find a good coach.If there are no schools in your areas that will effeicently coach you,then what I would do in your shoes is get a training partner if you have one and coach each other's techniques through drills.For example have him hold Thai Pads(focus mits etc.) and do a few dills where you defend against his attacks and you attack.In doing this,play around in your movements to ensure to you prove to maxium amount of protection avaiable.

For example have a buddy throw a lead hook,you bob underneath it.Then have him throw a hook then a knee(doing all of these movements slow a course).See how much protection that you have from that knee and adjust your weiave accordingly.That way you will get the feel of how low is too low for the wieave.Do this with various techniques.

Another one is have your oppoent hold the pads for you while you to a Rear leg Thai style round kick.Right before the kick retracts have him/her throw a right straight if he/she is able to hit you than your distance is off.

Another one : have your oppoent stand in his.her fight stance with their arm extended just as if they had thrown a right cross.Throw you low or med kick at them(without them blocking) and make sure their extended hand is not able to reach you,if it does;adjust your postioning to where you have the proper and maxium range.

If you dont have a partner then is is really hard,the only think that I can really suggest is maybe trainin in front of a mirror to sharpen your body mechnicas and heavy bag training to improve your distance and power.

All and all coached training is the best though is there anywhere in your area that you can train?

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