DF: Video: Fajin Demo by the Associate Instructors of AYZYIM

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Video: Fajin Demo by the Associate Instructors of AYZYIM
By phoenixeye - 08-08-2010 07:01 PM
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


This video shows the demonstration of the fajin testing exercises of the Pre-Heaven Power Method by three associate instructors of the American YiZungYue Internal Martial Arts Association (AYZYIM).
YouTube - &#x202a;Fajin (Fajing) demo by Associate and Assistant Instructors of AYZYIM -- Part II&#x202c;&lrm;
AYZYIM is a new organization to promote the Pre-Heaven Power Method to the world's martial arts community (American YiZungYue Internal Martial Arts Association (AYZYIM) | Pre-Heaven Power Method - a no-nonsense, systematic, and revolutionary approach to acquiring internal power!). The Pre-Heaven Power Method, developed by Grandmaster Pan Yue, is a systematic, revolutionary, and comprehensive approach to acquiring internal power. The associate instructors will assist Master Wei-Chung Lin, the Chief Instructor of AYZYIM, in the forthcoming First International Workshop on the Pre-Heaven Power Method to be held on October 23-24, 2010 in Skokie, Illinois, U.S.A.


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Can you give us an explanation of fajin? What is it? What are indicators of it? I seem to recall reading that it's "shaking power" but could very easily be wrong!
Fajin is Issuing power.

You need to learn to relax the body and unify upper and lower in order to issue power.

Simplified: To get power from where you want it, say your root, you have to be relaxed and able to get that power unimpeded from your root to where you want it to issue from, say your hands. And if your muscles are not relaxed they will impede the power flow, if you will.

Kind of like electrical current in a high resistance wire as compared to low resistance

Also look here
Nice video but IMO not fajing, this is fajin

Hey Xue, you know a lot more about this internal fa-jin stuff than I, but didn't it look to you like there was a lot of, er, to put it kindly, "compliance" in the OP's video? It was not at all convincing to me!

The video you posted was totally different. If I could get that kind of relaxed power into my Biu Tze moves for example... well I'd be darned pleased with myself to say the least!
Fajin is Issuing power. You need to learn to relax the body and unify upper and lower in order to issue power.
I agree. To elaborate, I think that the result of good fajin is momentum. You need to be relaxed to get maximum speed, and unification to get maximum mass at the point of impact. (do read on, though)

If you're not relaxed, you'd be essentially driving with one foot on the brake because of the tension in your body. If you're not unified, you'd be pushing with a rope, essentially.

To go a bit deeper, I'd suspect that sharply focused fajin (as opposed to brute pushing) uses more of a whipping feel to achieve higher acceleration. Since linear momentum is mass times acceleration (basically), then higher acceleration gives higher momentum. Merely hitting at high speed with no acceleration gives no force of momentum, at least according to the basic equation. :D

It seems that there are a few articles on fajin and momentum on the web. Hm.

Anyway, does that make sense?

P.S. Strictly speaking, I think that the idea of momentum doesn't preclude the idea of a one-inch punch (Noooo!), if you can generate a lot of acceleration in a short space.
Boy, did I mess that up. The force (F=ma) is the rate of change of the momentum (momentum is p=mv) of the object. So in my previous post, replace "momentum" with "force": "higher acceleration gives higher force".

But momentum can still pack a wallop, so I'd interpret that wallop as the force applied to us or our body parts as we're hit and we accelerate from zero to the velocity of the moving fist.

Then there's the jerk, which is the rate of change of acceleration. Maybe really high-level fajin gives a good jerk. It sure looks like it.

Sorry for any confusion. Or excess geekage.
Fajin to me is more along the lines of

Work = Force times Distance = Energy

But you need to add to that resistance like you find in ohm&#8217;s law because the less resistance the more energy.

Or in the case of Silk reeling it may be more along the lines of
Torque and rotation

Work done by a torque can be calculated in a similar manner. A torque &#964; applied through a revolution of &#952; , expressed in radians, does work as follows:

W = &#964; &#952;

But then my Mathematics/Physics days are far behind me and to go further along these lines would make my brain hurt. And of late I am not real big on applying much Physics and math to it.... again... it makes my brain hurt

Then there's the jerk, which is the rate of change of acceleration. Maybe really high-level fajin gives a good jerk. It sure looks like it.

That would be the often misunderstood Cai of the Yang 13 postures...it is one nasty application :EG:

I agree that the OP does not demonstrate Fa Jin. I also agree that Chen Xiowang is demonstrating a high level "of one aspect" of Fa Jin.

I think I prefer the definition of "Issuing Energy" rather than "Issuing Power" as Xue Sheng describes it. Issuing energy to me means "ANY" of the Taijiquan energies. For instance I consider Silk Reeling as a form of Fa Jin!!!! Fa Jin has somehow been construed only as that demonstarted in the video by Chen Xiaowang. If you do not Fa Jin at the end of every posture in a Taijiquan set (irrespective of the form you are performing) then you are doing dance and not Taijiquan.

OK. I'm off my soap box nowand feel much better. I must have Fa Jinned!!!!!

Very best wishes

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