DF: Pekiti Tirsia, Doce Pares, SinaTirsiaWali

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Pekiti Tirsia, Doce Pares, SinaTirsiaWali
By MasterKaliSilat - Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:05:05 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


SinaTirsiaWali is Pekiti Tirsia Doce Pares and Lanka Empat. Why?

I teach Pekiti Tirsia Kali and call it SinaTirsiaWali*, because it's total. When you study PT these days you get a watered down version of material that rarely goes beyond 5 attacks. Of course you learn the principle hit hard and smother your opponent, but unless you pay hundreds of dollars you get the training, but not the material to work with. Just ask Master Tim Waid, came to visit us about a year or so ago, and couldn't hold his stick to my student a Filipino, Master Dennis Ocampo, with me now ten years.

I'd rater give you the full understanding of how to use the material, hence, everything is sinawali from most every system when you understand Kali, since your are weaving what the material really is. Most teachers don't want you to learn immediately, so to speak. The principle is easy enough and in WW2 your learned 5 attacks, then went to battle. Of course it takes time, but understanding it is most important, hence the SinaTirsiaWali name. Meaning, weave technique, finish your opponent, this is not fighting, when you get to STW you learn this is finishing school, that is what is Kali. In battle you want to finish your opponent you don't want to engage your opponent into a fight!?! Thank about it.

Incidently Master Tim Waid started Kali with me in the eighties, worked real hard, met my teachers and studied with them, got into a new concept of training, and came to share the NEW STUFF with us, blah. After working with many masters in the Philippines, seemed like he forgot the real deal of what Pekiti Tirsia is all about.

* SinaTirsiaWali was named my first teacher Leo T. Gaje, Jr., because our concept gives the system a total understanding, it was in 1989 after Tuhon returned from the Philippines and stated that people were still talking about what I was doing 6 months after I left Cebu. Apparently during that time I made a great impression as to what I was teaching, it was so complete, and I was told it inspired a lot of new practices in the Philippines.

PS: Even Grand Master Dan Inosanto bought all my tapes when Pekiti Tirisia, was first put on tape in 1986. He purchase all of them at the time, that was F, G, D, H, L, and K I believe. F is the original 64 attacks shown to us by Turhon Gaje, including G of the Sinawali, both by myself, and D the introduction to Doce Pares, and H, the Espada y Daga by GM Dionisio Canete, L is the introduction to Lanka Empat by Suryadi Jafri, RIP, and K a seminar study with the late master Jafri.


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