DF: Martial Arts School in China

Clark Kent

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Martial Arts School in China
By AllRounder - Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:38:32 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


There are many Martial Arts Schools all in Mainland China.
I personally have trained in the Siping Shaolin Acadamy and the Yantai Shaolin Acadamy both of these Acadamys are in good locations but are owned by greedy lying chinese men.
The owner of the Yantai School was a teacher at Siping untill he ripped a few people off with money, done a runner and opened his own school.

If anyone has Questions about these 2 so called Shaolin Schools please ask as i know both of the owners well.

As for my Question...

I would like to ask people who is and is NOT thinking of going to China to study Martial Arts what they would like to see in a School there for example...

The location?
Styles you would like to learn? Would you just like 1 Stlye taught there or a mix of different styles?
Rules of School?
Difficulty of training?
And anything else you would like in a school that you was going to live and train at for a period of time.


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Just to add to this thread , I also have been to the school in Yantia, I fully agree with Allrounder This School should not be allowed to teach, I was at the School for three months and paid in advance, for my training food etc, I lasted just over one month, asking for my money to be returned to me for the remainder of the time i had paid for.. I was threatend and told to leave with out any refund, I had good reason to ask for my money to be retuned, The food and living conditions are so bad it would bring tears to any mans eyes, the training is also not what they say you will receive on there web site, it is a chinese run and owned school and like most of the chinese owned schools in China THEY ARE NOT TRUE MARTIAL ARTISTS, THEY ARE IN IT TO MAKE MONEY ONLY, They do not care about the way westerners have to live in there rubbish school, they only care about how much money they can get from westerners.
The most dissapointing thing is westerners are taught FORM after FORM with no real revelance to the real fighting on the street, but i noticed the chinese students at this school were taught the opposite
If I was to return to China which i must say is a fantastic country to visit, then I would be looking for a school that is Western run, Chinese........

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