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Looking for a Special Knife
By Mike Brewer - Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:23:58 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums
Hey all,
I have a good friend who's birthday is coming up and I really want to find him a particular antique knife. It's an antique from World War II, issued by the British SOE from about 1935 - 1945 (I'm pretty sure), and it was designed for saboteurs. It's a pocket knife-type with two blades; one regular jack-knife blade and the other a little claw that was used for slashing tires or for cutting wire. There is another knife floating aroud out there called a saboteur's knife that's basically just a leatherman type of deal, but that's not the one I'm after. The correct knife should have dark brown scales and a lanyard loop at one end, and they generally have a subdued blade. Overall closed length is around 4", and I believe the blade is around 3.5" with the little claw being somewhere in the neighborhood of an inch.
It's far from being a fighting knife, but it's an interesting piece of history, and something I'd really like to find. If anyone knows of one, can find one, or has a source for such things, I'd appreciate the info. Thanks.
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By Mike Brewer - Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:23:58 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums
Hey all,
I have a good friend who's birthday is coming up and I really want to find him a particular antique knife. It's an antique from World War II, issued by the British SOE from about 1935 - 1945 (I'm pretty sure), and it was designed for saboteurs. It's a pocket knife-type with two blades; one regular jack-knife blade and the other a little claw that was used for slashing tires or for cutting wire. There is another knife floating aroud out there called a saboteur's knife that's basically just a leatherman type of deal, but that's not the one I'm after. The correct knife should have dark brown scales and a lanyard loop at one end, and they generally have a subdued blade. Overall closed length is around 4", and I believe the blade is around 3.5" with the little claw being somewhere in the neighborhood of an inch.
It's far from being a fighting knife, but it's an interesting piece of history, and something I'd really like to find. If anyone knows of one, can find one, or has a source for such things, I'd appreciate the info. Thanks.
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