DF: It Could Happen to You

Clark Kent

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It Could Happen to You
By Mike Brewer - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 20:36:02 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


An excerpt from an article graciously brought to my attention by Sun-Helmet. It bears reading by all here:

The full article can be read at - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/12/ny...=5070&emc=eta1

A New York City Transit worker walking home after a late shift, three suspected muggers armed with a curved knife and a bystander whose role was unclear converged on a rainy street in Upper Manhattan late Thursday in a blood-soaked encounter that left the bystander stabbed to death and two others — including the transit worker — hospitalized.

Hours after the midnight attack at 139th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue, detectives were still trying to reconstruct what had happened.

As of late Friday, investigators said, one thing was clear: It appeared that the transit worker, Maurice Parks, 39, a subway motorman, was a victim who decided to fight back. He told investigators he was attacked in 1994, and fought back that time, too.


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