DF: Chen Tai Chi 18 form questions?

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Chen Tai Chi 18 form questions?
By Darthmaul - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:43:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


I have a chance to learn Chen Style Tai Chi 18 move form (I hope I am saying this right). I was wondering if I should take it. I have done some tai chi. I have taken Yang and Wu style. Now Chen always looked cool and I never tried it. Plus they say it is more martial than the others (well it was the first one, etc.....). Also it is a short form, so that might save practice time (I am pretty busy). Only thing is that since this is the 18 move form, is it too short? I guess I am wondering if too many of the key movements were taken out of it, is it too short to get the health and martial benefits out of it. I guess I am also decide if it would be worth it, or just go back to my other styles and learn the whole form. Well if anyone has any thoughts on this or experience with it, any advice would be great.


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