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Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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Boxing Forum:

This forum is to discuss the art of Boxing, and may including the upcoming shcedules, thoughts on fights, techniques, training methods and of course people opinions on fights and fighters.


Note: This is not a forum to discsuss Boxing Day or Boxing week for that matter in Canada. Sorry Gou! NO matter how hard you try this will not be about you gettting Presents! :rofl:
I kind of like GouRonin's succinct description also, though ("The Sweet Science").

Mod. Note: I've moved several threads in here from WMA-General and the General forum.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Boxing Forum:

This forum is to discuss the art of Boxing, and may including the upcoming shcedules, thoughts on fights, techniques, training methods and of course people opinions on fights and fighters.


Note: This is not a forum to discsuss Boxing Day or Boxing week for that matter in Canada. Sorry Gou! NO matter how hard you try this will not be about you gettting Presents! :rofl:

Excellent!! For we the fight fans, fans of the Sweet Science of Boxing I thank you kindly... :asian:
I'm pretty sure that by now we've surpassed the Fencing forum is activity.

There are two kinds of fighters...



All in all I have to say i am glad you surrendered. Once they were done with you I'd be next.

Those dogs are crazy!
Can I thirds? :rofl:

Arnisador, since Gou has both Loki and Thor, I'll be you second to your second. Between Tim and Myself the fogs should be distracted enough for you to duel Gou :D
I don't know. After watching you show us all the Rich Parsons Balintiwok "Sneak-up" last night in training I am having second thoughts!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Boxing Forum:

"The Sweet Sceince ":
This forum is to discuss the art of Boxing, and may including the upcoming shcedules, thoughts on fights, techniques, training methods and of course people opinions on fights and fighters.

How about this????

Does this meet with everyone's liking?

Combine the both in a nice presentable format.

The current contender is:

"The Sweet Sceince ":
This forum is to discuss the art of Boxing, and may including the upcoming shcedules, thoughts on fights, techniques, training methods and of course people opinions on fights and fighters.
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