defensive shou shu takedown involving upperbody contact


White Belt
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this is a great defensive move for when the attacker wants to come at you with a upper body punch that will clean yer head straight can be done fer when ure punched right and left side. just do opposite. remember when you strike an opponite keep yer head up.and do not chop anywere else but the chest cavity or you can break your fingers.(REMEBER ONLY DO THIS ON AN POTENTIAL ATTACKER THAT COULD HARM YOU NEVER ON THE INNOCENT FOR IT COULD SEARISLY INJUR OR KILL THE PERSON)!!so plz be responsible and use for defense only...if clip dosent work just say not the best at computers..also the back kick to the head is the finishing move can break attackers neck or hurt him bad. but most importantly look at the way the defender blocks with his wrist crost pushing up this will enable the side hand chop to ribs rember to push up to leave his ribs exposed and use gravity and bend to push down on his side with the chop to ensure most power to the strike. make sure when you hit the attacker with your side hand you want to try to hit him with your lower side hand were you feel your bones are tougher becuas if you use parts of your fingers it could harm them. after you strike him in his ribs then you immedietly step on his foot with all your weight then push him shouldnt worry about the opponet not falling down caus that blow to the ribs will make him not fealing to rite lol. then you step over the opponet use sorta like finger tiped chops with the tips of your fingers to his chest cavity (only) usaually other places of the body are to strong for that. any questions?
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Hello, You will find many other styles have there own version of this move.

In Kenpo/Kempo..stylist...most of us will say ...we do something like that..muliple strikes with a take down. You will see this in many of the Kempo/Kenpo schools. I am sure in alot of karate and other styles too.

Thank-you for sharing the video clips. .......Aloha

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