Senior Master
A very fascinating article from author Charles Hugh Smith:
I encourage you to read the entire article (the quotes below are but a few excerpts.) He makes some pretty valid points and may change how you view financial institutions and/or your status as a ĀfreeĀ citizen.
Are you free, or have the pastsĀ ĀchainsĀ of serfdom been replaced by Āstudent loansĀ and a ĀmortgageĀ?
Agree? Disagree?
After reading the article and thinking about it, do you still feel ĀfreeĀ?
I encourage you to read the entire article (the quotes below are but a few excerpts.) He makes some pretty valid points and may change how you view financial institutions and/or your status as a ĀfreeĀ citizen.
Are you free, or have the pastsĀ ĀchainsĀ of serfdom been replaced by Āstudent loansĀ and a ĀmortgageĀ?
Let's be clear about three things:
1. Too Big to Fail financialization is the metastasizing cancer that has crippled democracy and capitalism.
2. Financialization feeds on expanding debt and cannot survive without it.
3. Debt is serfdom.
Agree? Disagree?
There are three key dynamics to debt-serfdom:
A. The serf is never free of debt, i.e. he/she is programmed to being indebted for life.
B. Most of the serf's income is devoted to servicing debt.
C. Most of the debt is unproductive: marginal-utility college education, needless auto loan, leveraged McMansion that loses value in the inevitable speculative bust, and so on.
There are many ways to state these fundamentals and shelf-loads of books have been written to describe the many mechanisms of financialization and serfdom, but we can summarize the dynamics in a few additional points:
- Financialization requires a corruptible, highly centralized State that enables the extreme concentration of financial assets and power.
- This creates a feedback loop where the Financial Powers need the Central State to encourage debt, which is the lifeblood of financialization.
- The Federal Reserve is the "ultimate power" in this financial universe.
- The Fed does not care about the "little people" hurt in a depression
After reading the article and thinking about it, do you still feel ĀfreeĀ?