Deadliest Warriors: The Real Deal (and a bit of a laugh)


Brown Belt
Dec 30, 2008
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While I have yet to watch an episode in it's entirety, someone mentioned to me the "unevenness" in these match-ups, primarily in their waepons. How do you compare a heavy bronze sword against a solid, master-forged katana?

So I decided to take things a step further (and towards a comical perspective). I asked, why not compare more contemporary characters in a fight, instead of just a member of the warrior class from a particular culture.

Her's a few match-ups I'd like to see:
  • John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger's character on Commando) vs John Rambo (Stallone on First Blood)
  • The Terminator vs RoboCop
  • Godzilla vs Gamera
  • Alex Munday vs O-Ren Ishii (both roles played by Lucy Liu)
  • Clubber Lang vs Apollo Creed
  • Tag-Team Match-Up: The Five Deadly Venoms vs The Seven Samurai
  • Michelle Yeoh vs Zhang Ziyi
  • Chuck Norris vs Van Damme and Segal at the same time (like you didn't that coming)
Any other suggestions?
Tango and Cash versus Starsky and Hutch
David Lo Pan versus Lord Voldemort
The Osborns versus the Osmonds

Now those are some good match-ups.

Her's a few more:
  • Urkel vs Screech
  • Captain Stubing vs Captain Picard
  • G.I. Jane vs Lara Croft
  • Doc Savage vs Captain America
  • A really out of shape guy who can fight vs a very fit guy who's never thrown a punch
I would love to see the Telltubbies against Sesame Street now that would be abattle.
I would love to see the Telltubbies against Sesame Street now that would be abattle.
The whole cast of Sesame Street or just the puppets? If it's the whole cast, Sesame Street has the numbers advantage, and would probably be better suited to take on the Muppets.
The whole cast of Sesame Street or just the puppets? If it's the whole cast, Sesame Street has the numbers advantage, and would probably be better suited to take on the Muppets.

That is probaly true, how about the Power Rangars against the league of extrodinary Gentleman
That is probaly true, how about the Power Rangars against the league of extrodinary Gentleman
I might have to say that the League would have a challenge on their hands considering how many generations of Power Rangers series have been done, but I can see the League take them on.
Here's one that might be a little old school for a few folks:
James Bond vs Derek Flint
Here's one that might be a little old school for a few folks:
James Bond vs Derek Flint

Or, James Bond versus Matt Helm.
Or, James Bond versus The Saint (hmm, especially Roger Moore versus Roger Moore).
  • John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger's character on Commando) vs John Rambo (Stallone on First Blood)
hm....tough one, got to go with rambo based on the experience acquired through three sequels
  • The Terminator vs RoboCop
terminator all the way.
  • Godzilla vs Gamera
didn't this happen?
  • Alex Munday vs O-Ren Ishii (both roles played by Lucy Liu)
who wins this one? the fans, that's who
  • Clubber Lang vs Apollo Creed
clubber. i think a better match would be clubber lang versus drago.
  • Tag-Team Match-Up: The Five Deadly Venoms vs The Seven Samurai
seven samurai by superior weaponry & battlefield tactics plus rage-fueled odachi.
  • Michelle Yeoh vs Zhang Ziyi
too busy drooling to predict.
  • Chuck Norris vs Van Damme and Segal at the same time (like you didn't that coming)
really? is that even fair? chuck should ref this tournament, not participate. let's do van damme's six-pack versus segals belly-o-chi instead.
Any other suggestions?

great idea.

Newton vs. Leibniz.

They fought intellectually. Newton won, thanks to his favor with the upper crust.

I'd like to see the Teletubbies versus a 747 jet engine intake. You can shove Barney in there too.

You and me both.
Though the one redeeming quality is that they soothe my youngest daughter for some bizarre reason.

  • G.I. Jane vs Lara Croft
  • Alex Munday vs O-Ren Ishii (both roles played by Lucy Liu)
Any other suggestions?

I don't care who wins. Just let me watch. :D
  • Chuck Norris vs Van Damme and Segal at the same time (like you didn't that coming)
Any other suggestions?

I think I should've clarified this one a little more. What I meant to say was Chuck Norris pretending he was injured like his character on Way of the Dragon, including the broken neck (we all know that this could never really happen to Chuck)


Both Van Damme and Segal, while they're leading thier clones portraying every character they ever played in every movie (including Van Damme as that guy dancing in the background of Breakin')

On a sidenote, is it me, or has Seagal gone from portraying a tough cop who does Aikido to an older, fatter tough cop who does Aikido?
Tiny Ditka vs. the classic Pittsburgh Steelers Superbowl lineups.

How about some mis-matches?

Rhino vs. Baby (for you penny arcade fans)
Speeding car vs. head of cabbage
Anything "foolproof" vs. a gang of fools
