Day The Earth Stood Still... A REMAKE!??!

I'm going to take a wild guess that Gort will be played by a CGI creation rather than an actor in a suit. Most likely along the lines of I-Robot, but of course (hopefully) more massive and powerful.
Gotta figure that the original robot was probably pretty impressive (and scary) when first seen by audiences. That slow clunking walk and the laser coming out of it's visor, no lines just blind obedience but at the same time (as explained by Klattu) holding sway over them all.
Just hope they don't go overboard with it. If so maybe if we all chant Nikto Barrada together it might end up pretty good. :uhyeah:
Man, I swear. I loved Beofulf and Grendel, the 2 live action films. One had Lambert in it. Great story. However, dude I was not inspired by the one last year. Yeah, CGI was cool but oh geez it ruined the whole movie for me.

Nothing liking watching Grendel piss on the door of the dane sleeping quarters while laughing.:p
oh wow, clash of the titans was a b-movie like flash gordon that are priceless.

I will not go see them if they come out. I also heard they were going to reboot Highlander. Starting more or less at 1 again.

Wow, to these three movies I can say only this. "There can be only one."
I just saw the trailer for the remake of "Journey To The Center of The Earth", starring Brandon Fraiser.I don't think any version will EVER beat original...
The TV writers went on strike for four G-D months, inflicting "reality" TV on us, and the Movie "writers" show they don't have enough imagination to come up with ANYTHING new?!
Greedy little ratbastages
I dont know..the Batman/Superman remakes were better than the ones from the 80's-90's IMO. What makes something "untouchable"?
I love The Day the Earth Stood Still. We have a copy, too. When I was a little girl, the music scared the poo out of me yet excited me, lol. I don't think a modern version with special effects would be much fun.
I love The Day the Earth Stood Still. We have a copy, too. When I was a little girl, the music scared the poo out of me yet excited me, lol. I don't think a modern version with special effects would be much fun.

As I said before TDTESS is one of my favorite movies..I own a copy of it and will STILL watch it if it happends to be showing on one of the cable channels..I don't have much hope for this new version...
I don't know..the Batman/Superman remakes were better than the ones from the 80's-90's IMO. What makes something "untouchable"?
Good question.
IMO I think it's the icon status of the film. Where it was done well enough the first time around as far as the story, cinematography, direction, acting, etc that a remake only cheapens the effort. Where the original is still popular and still entertaining to watch. Think Casablanca or Gone With The Wind, both are spectacular films in their own right so why remake them? Forbidden Planet is another one that has reached this "don't touch/don't remake" (by "don't touch" I mean the stupid Ted Turner colorized version... which they probably already did anyway :miffer: ). Example: I shown a couple of young kids the original 1933 version of King Kong after they watched the 2005 Peter Jackson remake. They actually liked the original better as far as story line and acting than they did Jackson's version. Of course Jackson's F/X couldn't be touched it was obvious that the story was just as important.
Same with showing a 20 something guy the Marx Brother's comedy classic Duck Soup (1933) and he was literally rolling on the couch in laughter. Meaning obviously... it was THAT good and still is.
We've mentioned here the sci-fi/horror classic THEM! and whether or not it would be a good candidate for a remake. It also has the iconic status because it's considered one of the best of the "giant radiation monsters" films made by the U.S. at the time. Maybe a remake would LOOK better (considering the giant ants they used ... yeah I'd agree) but will the story line and tension still be there?
We march in step, Caver :tup:. Some things are iconic and to remake them achieves nothing but burn resources.
I for one am looknig forward to it. It would just be nice to see more original stuff come out of Hollywood though. Instead of remake after remake.
I for one am looknig forward to it. It would just be nice to see more original stuff come out of Hollywood though. Instead of remake after remake.
Original?? aww geez man that means they gotta work harder and use their imagination more ... :miffer:
I dont know..the Batman/Superman remakes were better than the ones from the 80's-90's IMO. What makes something "untouchable"?

Well, there is a difference between a reboot and a remake. Those are both based on comic books, which have a long history and been rebooted many times.

A series can sometimes be rebooted, and a movie can even be remade. But I think to remake either you should be remaking one that had potential, but never quite reached it. Or the original has become dated and lost its relevance, due to cultural references that are no longer widely understood or other such reasons.

But some of these old cult classics, what makes them great is something hollywood can't reproduce. Something like this one, well, our preconceptions about aliens have changed so much that to make it now would seem cheesey, in a bad way. But the original is cheesey in a good way, because of when it was made and the technology and culture of that time.

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