Daily training?


White Belt
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
i go to wing chun classes once a week, mainly to learn techniques as i can do training in my own time such as fitness etc now how much training do you guys do a day? i find that time goes dead slow as you're training, but anyway how long would you guys recommend, currently i do 10kg weights occasionally (i'm only a 17 year old) punchbag and stretching for about an hour each day. One more question how can you change your belt next to your name when you post because i'm actually green
i go to wing chun classes once a week, mainly to learn techniques as i can do training in my own time such as fitness etc now how much training do you guys do a day? ...

One more question how can you change your belt next to your name when you post because i'm actually green

Taining on your own can be a real chore. I do it because my training buddies live a good ways off. But if you have the opportunity, I'd recommend going to class at least three times a week. Especially in Wing Chun. Forms and fitness you can do on your own, but chi-sau???

Oh and about the belt by your name... it isn't your martial arts rank, it's how many posts you've got. So I'm a black belt in blab. See?
Whats chi sau again? i know that chi na is the wrist locks, well primarily anyway and chi gon is the breathing excersise but i forgot what chi sau is. i know i've been taught it but i forget what the names mean.
I find when I train times goes way too fast, even when I'm alone. I spend 10hrs a week at the dojo (i'd be there 15 if I had more money for gas), and at home I watch my teacher's training videos, review my notes, meditate, hit the bags, roll around on the mats, experiement with household items as weapons, use my dad or brothers as training partners, and do some solo kata training.

Do I do it every day? No, I wish I could but the busy American lifestyle make it hard to set aside time to train on occassions, but I constantly drill what if scenarios in my head. I think that counts on some level.

If my new job goes through I will be able to train 3 times more often than I do now, because the training is required! Wish me luck!
ah good wish there was a dojo i could train at, is himura kenshin your actual name? my name isnt godspeed its just part of the name of my favourite band
I'd suggest, if you can that you try to go to your Wing Chun classes at least twice a week, as you will have more benefit from training with others than by yourself through the rest of the week.

Also, if you can, see if you can get a friend or group of friends to work out with you. Things like weights, bag work and stretching are often better when with a partner to help (or even just someone to hang around for safety reasons).

Plus, jogging or cycling is often better with a friend for company. I find that if I go cycling I tend to go a lot further when I'm with a friend than if I go on my own as they push me to do more (they don't say anything but I feel like I have to do more to keep up with them and not let the side down!). I quickly find cycling on my own to be dull after a while.

Chi Sau is "sticking hands", sometimes known as 'rolling'.
Also, if you can, see if you can get a friend or group of friends to work out with you. Things like weights, bag work and stretching are often better when with a partner to help (or even just someone to hang around for safety reasons).


I train with two friends every wednesday when i have a have a half day at college and we do some bag work and sparring. I remember chi sau now thanks
I make it to 5 classes each week (morning classes Tues/Thurs, evening Tues/Wed/Thurs), do conditioning exercises every weekday morning, and go over all of my current material and most of my review material nearly every day...but then, it's been said more than once that I'm addicted and obsessed ;)

i go to wing chun classes once a week, mainly to learn techniques as i can do training in my own time such as fitness etc now how much training do you guys do a day? i find that time goes dead slow as you're training, but anyway how long would you guys recommend, currently i do 10kg weights occasionally (i'm only a 17 year old) punchbag and stretching for about an hour each day. One more question how can you change your belt next to your name when you post because i'm actually green

Practice Sil Lim Tau in front of the mirror my friend , making sure your wrists are on centre and you are in your stance . When you finish that go back again and do it some more.

After that practice pivoting in front of the mirror , visualise a small ball inside your body approximately where your centre of gravity is and imagine turning this ball with your mind as you slowly pivot 45 degrees left and right .

After that in front of the mirror practice moving in all four directions whilst in your stance , back straight , sunk down with your guard up , and toes pointing to the center . Still in front of mirror now we practice leg raising which is an exercise for kicking .

As you raise your leg with toes pulled back and knee on centerline , visualise a hook under your knee which is pulling your leg up . Raise it to waist height and be sure to maintain the angle in the leg from the floor. Try to minimise any movement from the upper body and keep the hip nice and relaxed.

Finally practice throwing single punches in front of the mirror from your guard , look for any drawing back of the elbow at all no matter how minimal , a facial twitch , a shoulder twitch anything that is a pre-movement to your punch .

One thing that helped me with a slight drawing back problem is to visualise a rocket engine behind my elbow , propelling it forward , because a rocket engine can only go forward not back . Next practice chain punching in front of the mirror , make sure every punch is in the same spot , driven out from your elbows on the centerline with your shoulders as relaxed as possible .

Go at a slow pace with perfect form and then for 30 secs go flat out as fast as you can , and then go back to slow perfect form and then 30 secs flat out again , repeat the cycle about 6 times.

After that if you've got anything left in the tank you can go out and practice your strikes and kicks on the bag , try to maintain perfect form and correctness of technique and always finish a technique by going straight back to your stance and straight back to your guard .
Should be enough there mate to keep you going for awhile.
i go to wing chun classes once a week, mainly to learn techniques as i can do training in my own time such as fitness etc now how much training do you guys do a day? i find that time goes dead slow as you're training, but anyway how long would you guys recommend, currently i do 10kg weights occasionally (i'm only a 17 year old) punchbag and stretching for about an hour each day. One more question how can you change your belt next to your name when you post because i'm actually green

You have to train as much as you feel like it. That's all I know to say. What I do may not fit you, and what you do may not fit me. If you feel satisfied with an hours worth of training, great! You've done much more than most people have. The key is to train efficiently. If you start feeling bored with your training, it is time to change methods. Don't be afraid to mix up the routine. I would recommend going to classes 2-3 times a week if possible even though you can practice techniques at home. You want to be able to avoid developing bad habits, plus training with others makes time pass way faster.
I am always training in some form or another.

Life revolves around my training. The days only have 24 hours in them how will you spend the 24hours? How will the time spent help your training? I personally do not follow so much a set schedule but I keep track of my progress. I find set schedules start to become a task or dread resulting in postponment. Be creative and playful with your training exploring the possiblities that enhance yourself.
ah good wish there was a dojo i could train at, is himura kenshin your actual name? my name isnt godspeed its just part of the name of my favourite band

No, Himura Kenshin is a character from a manga called "Rurouni Kenshin" about a wandering swordsman who defends the weak while maintaining his vow to never kill again. If you like manag or martial arts fiction I highly recomend it!