Cutest SD Video


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Far as the dad goes... no, but I'd train with the widdle one... she really knows what's going on... doesn't she?? Well... doesn't she?

Wekk it doe slook like some of the SD being tought by some of the best schools out there, and yes she is very cute.
You'd think the guy would refrain from picking his nose, being filmed for Youtube and all...
It's OK after he picked it he wiped it in his eyebrow that way it gets crusty and cuts the bad guy when he headbutts him.
You'd think the guy would refrain from picking his nose, being filmed for Youtube and all...
All part of the distraction techniques.
All kidding aside, definitely a very cute video.
didn't anyone else feel kind sorry for the little girl. :( she looked upset when her father was hiting and shaking her hand...
didn't anyone else feel kind sorry for the little girl. :( she looked upset when her father was hiting and shaking her hand...

I thought she looked more baffled than anything else, and maybe a bit apprehensive about her father's mental health... sort of along the lines of, wow, in around thirteen years or so I am so not going to know who this guy is if he runs into me when I'm hanging with my peeps...
I am TOTALLY gonna do a BJJ video with my 5 month old daughter!!!!

Thanks for sharing that. It was very cute.

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