Cro Cop stiffs UFC, signs with Dream


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
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After the fight last night, we find out that Mirco Cro Cop signed a deal to join Dream.

"This comes as a shock since he has a 3 fight deal with the UFC.

After the fight, White learned that the Croatian had signed a deal with MMA organization Dream in Japan.
White said the Croatian star had promised him a three-fight deal -- UFC 99 plus two more -- and had "hand-picked" his opponent in Germany, turning down "every other" fighter, including Velasquez.
"He didn't keep his word, talked about honor," White said. "He didn't just poke Al Turk, he poked me, too."
Wow. That's interesting news.

I'm not sure I would complain about Cro Crop not keeping his word though. Sounds like Dream produced a contract when the UFC would not. Good for Dream for making it happen, Cro Crop is a helluva fighter.
i'm not really concerned with any ethical judgments dana white might make.

i'm not really concerned with any ethical judgments dana white might make.


Yea, no kidding...

Too bad though, Cro Cop always produced good stuff and made his fights interesting for the most part.

But maybe we'll get to see him headline Dream for Japan, not too bad I guess...
You cannot blame someone moving forward with there careers, maybe Dana needs to put some more money up and longer contracts.

President of UFC's Dana White was unfairly accused Mirko Filipovic for treason

ZAGREB - The same Saturday night in which Mirko Filipovi? for only three minutes nokautirao Britain Mostapha Al Turk, President of American Organization UFC Dana White neargumentirano has accused the Croatian master free fight for the fraud and hypocrisy.

Cro Cop izigrao UFC and goes in a Dream?

Ten days ago Dana White and Cro Cop have a phone made arrangements for the duel on the UFC 99 tournament in kölnskoj Lanxess Arena, leaving open the possibility that cooperation produlji the two tournaments. However, the head of the UFC on Saturday felt circumvented because it is thought that the Croatian gladiator signed a contract with the Japanese Dream.

- Mirko talks about honor and pride, and not held by his word. Told me that he wants to win the UFC's title, only to then went to the Dream. And tonight I got a fly in the ointment, not only Al Turk - told reporters in the White Cologne.

Before you accuse Filipovi?a for hypocrisy, zagreb Whiteovih below empty phrase of honor. UFC leader is angry because Mirko, just as even the best ultimate fighter world; Fyodor Jemjeljanjenko, did not agree to commit two more appearances in the following year.

However, it is not true or that Cro Cop priklonio Dream. Learned that it is not signed, nor for whom, and that it is ready to discuss any offer. Moreover, Mirko is immediately after the victory kölnske expected conversation with Whiteom and surprised the charges UFC's president.

- I'm not clear why the White nasjeo on rumors instead of talking with me. I was hoping that we will talk about the continuation of cooperation, because the only contentious item for a long period between performances. I do not want to sit for months at home and wait for that someone called me to fight. However, I am grateful for the opportunity Whiteu in Cologne and in spite of his heavy words, I do not see reason to not produljimo agreement - explained Mirko after returning from Germany.

White is Cro Copa invited to fight in Cologne in order to use his charisma most popular European fighter, and had proposed two more match, with the condition that should not be fighting under other flags. " Since the Dream also offers three fights, but in only six months, do you wonder what is Mirko still considering both offers?

Outcome of this story can be expected in the coming days. Given the loss of Whiteov in Cologne, it seems that Mirko zasad ring closer to the Japanese than American octagon.
Dana signed Mirko to a one fight contract, with a verbal promise to fight 2 more.
The contract was one fight.
It was in Germany where Mirko is a big draw, but it still only sold 12,500 out of 17,000 seats.
Mirko is a failure for the most part in the UFC, he doesn't have the mindset for it apparantly. He likes Dream, Let him stay there.
Dana got what he wanted a boost for the Germany card, Mirko got what he wanted, let them go their ways.
It's all rumours, by all accounts Crocop hasn't signed for anyone and Dana hasn't spoken to him yet. That's from another fighter in Koln.
Guess we'll see who's telling the truth soon enough lol!
I think it's kind of funny that Dana White is complaining about Crocop signing with another company when he had a verbal contract with White. When white cut him fro the UFC after 2 losses when he still had fights on his contract.

The UFC really isn't fair to fighters.
I think it's kind of funny that Dana White is complaining about Crocop signing with another company when he had a verbal contract with White. When white cut him fro the UFC after 2 losses when he still had fights on his contract.

The UFC really isn't fair to fighters.

Nooooo thats not true at all, Mirko was not having much success in the octagon, Dana spoke to him and they both decided to release him from the UFC so that he could recover, from what i understand Dana and Mirko kept contact and Mirko contacted him after he had had his surgery requesting if Dana was willing to make a new deal.

Dana is not the villian everyone makes him out to be, and he looks after his fighters more then most other orgs do.