Crazy Go Kart


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
No, nobody gets hurt in this video but it's still shocking to see what these guys do to have a little fun out where-ever they are.
At least the second guy had the good sense to wear a helmet! :rolleyes:

Potential Darwin Award Winners for sure.
They had no wheels in the back so it was more like sledding still very dumb.
A helmet's not much help when your head's lopped off your neck. What a bunch of idiots. Reminds me of my dad and uncles.
Umm... heh... I thought it looked like fun. I never claimed that my elevator went all the way to the top though. LOL
Yes he is. Makes you wonder how he came to need it, eh? ;)

A local man here is in prison now for child endangerment and manslaughter for towing his little girl on an innertube in the snow in a local park. She slammed into the park sign and died.

I'm not a big fan of being towed behind trucks. Boats, yes ... trucks and land vehicles no.