

Yellow Belt
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
We have been upping the tempo a lot in kickboxing recently, and usually I don't feel cranky in the morning, but recently I have been feeling it a lot in the morning on my upper back and in my legs. We do sufficient cooling down afterwards, but it makes any exercise the next day quite painful. Can anyone suggest anything I can do to stop it so much?
Do some stretching afterward or more of it afterward and the next day, that may help some. And before training, make sure your body is warmed up some, that can help too.
Well your using muscles you've never used before, so thats probably the case. So i suggest you just keep with your training and the pain should subside.
Liberal doses of Jack Daniels will help you through the pain..But as Sin posted "Keep with your training">
Is it between your shoulder blades? That would most likely be from punching. As was mentioned, you're using muscles that aren't used to being used that way. If it's lower down, say midthoracic or upper lumbar, my guess is that your hamstrings and glutes are tight and need to be stretched more. Lower lumbar I would lean more towards twisting being the culprit, again with stretching being the key.

Warm up, stretch, workout, stretch, cool off.
you have five fitnesses. Taxing one may effect the others. Your body is asking you to stop working out, grab a bag of chips, the channel changer, and lay around. Don't listen.
I HATE it when you find those muscles that you haven't used in awhile! This to will pass with continued work.
