Couture vs Liddell 3

Who would you put your money on?

  • Couture

  • Liddell

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I'm a fan of both, but I like Couture for this fight. I think Randy has more pure skill than Liddell and if he can make it his fight, I think he will win.

I didn't vote because I really see this one as a battle. Either one could take will really depend on who is having the better night.

Both of these guys are awesome fighters who train smart - tough one to call.
This is a tough call as both men are awesome fighters. I think I'm going to go with Randy on this one.

I thought Randy was going to beat him last time but I was wrong :(. However, I will still put my money on him. I think either way the fight will be very entertaining to watch.
JMD said:
If Randy can stay away from Chuck's hands, he will probably win.

Good point! I don't see Randy trading punches. I'm betting he'll be taking this to the ground and working from there.

I dont know, its possible. Randy's ground game is better than Chuck's, but I think he can deffinitely stand up with him too.

I'd have to say Chuck. He's younger and has the momentum now. Randy doesn't have the drive he used to because it wouldn't be like doing anything he hasn't done before. Mind you both guys love a good fight.

A pretty even matchup if you ask me. It's almost like they're sparring partners at this point. But I think Chuck has the advantage of age in this one.
Well, I gave the vote to Randy, but it's a tough one to call.

All things considered I think Randy still has the more diverse skill set, but he also has a habit of playing the other guys game (and beating them at it) and if he strikes with Chuck it can end quickly...

That said, he got dropped good last time they fought, and sometimes after the first clean KO guys get KOed a lot easier...

So... Slight edge to Randy, but a very slight one.
This one is a toss up but I can't go against th champ. He has poven more than once what one punch from him can do.
Still that being said he skills of both and experence will make it well worth watching
I sure hope the rest of the card is as exciting as I think that match will be
Either cause not a lot are interested, or quite possibly, this one is so close and both fighters are so well respected and liked that it's rather tricky to try and call.

I certainly wouldn't give odds on either.
If Liddel can keep it standing I think he will definitly win.