Cop wins Award of Valor, just like dad did

Bob Hubbard

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Cop wins award just like dad

ALL IN THE FAMILY | Cop wins Award of Valor, just like dad did

On Wednesday, Chicago Police Officer Mario Mendoza Jr. received a department Award of Valor for his role in a shootout with a shotgun-wielding woman.


His father, Officer Mario Mendoza Sr., 52, knew the pride his son felt -- he received the same award in 2004 for helping to catch a robbery crew.
"It's training and instinct," said the elder Mendoza, who joined the force at 40. "You don't know you have valor until it happens."
Mario Mendoza Jr., 31, was among dozens of officers honored at an annual police recognition ceremony at the Hilton Chicago.
With top law enforcement officials including U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez present, Mayor Daley told the officers, "You're the difference between good and evil on a daily basis."

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