conspiracy theory or good points?

Feisty Mouse

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
I was just shown the film at this site:

Commenting on the plane crash into the Pentagon on 9/11/01. There is some music for dramatic effect, you may like it or (as I did) turn off your speakers.

And, some commentary on snopes as well:

which addresses some of these concerns, perhaps.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, and I wanted to know what others thought of it. Could it have actually been a smaller plane loaded with explosives?

I iwasn't a big fan of the mini-film, simply because it was so sensationalized. But I thought it was interesting - including tracing the path of the plane, and the security cameras it would have passed. Why can't we see those?
It's bogus honestly. My father was at the Pentagon four days following 9/11 in an effort to locate two employees that were missing...there was *plenty* of 757 wreckage everywhere...

If you do some searching on the web, you can find pictures of the wreckage that were taken soon after impact. Pictures conveniently left out of the mini-film..
Interesting. Why do you think people search for conspiracies, then?

Is it the assumption that our government is *always* going to lie to us?
i think you nailed it...some people just don't want the truth...they need to have something to search for
Feisty Mouse said:
Interesting. Why do you think people search for conspiracies, then?

Is it the assumption that our government is *always* going to lie to us?

The world is still flat, and the sun revolves around the earth, and no one has left the atmosphere let alone land on the moon.

Theories of what may have happened will always be out there.

As to no, plane reckage, serch the archives of Eskrima Digest, for the date 9/12 and the following two weeks, you will find a couple of references from people who were in the building when it was hit. There are other reports as well.

It has been a few years, and the memories have faded, and now is a good time to start the possibles. :idunno:
Might also want to see these sites:

A loony French Conspiracy site:

The site which debunks it:

Funny how both of these sights are quotations on the works of some loony frenchies, isn't it? I find it interesting how many wacky anti-US conspiracies come from the country whose butt we saved big-time. But on the plus side, it is easy get a good quality military rifle from their army surplus. The things have never been fired, and most often dropped.
remember the fox show about how we never landed on the moon...and then i remember hearing buzz aldrin? punching somebody for suggesting it was all a hoax...

forget all the physical evidence we have, videos so forth...on the tapes you can see the dust particles following perfect ballistic curves...impossible in the earth's atmosphere because they'd be suspended and carried away
Aside note: and it's funny how the French are seen as so insufferably arrogant - it wouldn't have anything to do with American attitudes, would it? :)
Feisty Mouse said:
Aside note: and it's funny how the French are seen as so insufferably arrogant - it wouldn't have anything to do with American attitudes, would it? :)

No it has more to do with a little known Duke of Normandy, who conquered England in 1066. I could be wrong on the date. The French and English do not like each other, for lots of reason, and some of it goes back a thousand years. The frnech looked at the English Nobility as Brigands and country bumpkins, and of no value when one of their dukes was the King.

Now, this does not mean that the US does not have an Attitude. It jsut goes to show that the Francophones and Anglophones have been going at it for quite some time.
Feisty Mouse

I think a lot of people dismiss conspiracy theories as soon as they hear the world conspiracy. It's good to ask questions like this, in my opinion. When we hear a claim, we need to apply a little logic and a little science to let us know if it has any relevence to reality. Kudos for having the guts to ask...

Regarding 911, the event happened over a thousand miles away and in my small town, a lot of mis/disinformation passes hands. This is why independent confirmation from multiple sources is essential. In the end, the only thing that should remain suspect are the people who tell you what or what not to believe.

yes...always question authority but when there is overwhelming proof contradictory to your stance...concede...that's how conspiracy theories get started...when there is strong evidence otherwise, people start hunting for the most minute connections and circumstantial evidence to support their claims

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