

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
What do you do to instill confidence in your students? Or, As a student, what works to get your confidence up? Before you answer, read a little story....

We had a promiotion test today. As usual, while Sabumnim sat at a table, I conducted it. At the last part, we have the students do board breaks that are commensurate with their level. Two of the students had trouble with their breaks, but eventually made them. He gives a short lecture on confidence and then looks over at me and goes "can you?". I knew what he was talking about so I say "sure". It was a triple flying side kick that I had practiced 2 weeks before for about 10 minutes. I just felt I could do it though evidence suggested otherwise. I lined the holders up and took a practice run. Fine. 1st attempt, I missed the third board. I was given one more shot. Second attempt, I nailed it. Then he has all the students look at me and says "That's confidence".

This isn't a brag, but at 47 years old, I love being used as an example of confidence. I'm so pumped right now, (I just got home) I had to share it.

Board breaking and demo's are a heavy favorite in my school. What do you do?
That's great! At 42, I always feel good inside when the new guys at BJJ are panting and sitting out of practice matches while I'm still going.
Great for you Gemini, we work on confidence with student by making sure they are able to complete the task we give them for that day. It is a wonderful thing to see studentglowing after they are able to do what could not be done before.

I got a confidence booster from my instructor at a public demo he held when I was 15. When he got to the segment of the demo with board breaks, he unexpectedly called me up to break. Now normally one would break two 1-inch thick wooden boards, but my instructor told the board holders to grab three 1-inch boards. I had never done 3 boards before and I would do it for the first time in front of a large group of non-MA spectators. As you could guess, I was nervous and unsure if I could pull it off. First attempt I didn't break it. My instructor just looked at me and smiled and told me to reset the station. I did break it on the second attempt.

What a confidence booster that was. My instructor, without ever having me break 3 boards at once, had the confidence in me to put me on the spot even though he risked making the school look a little silly for having MA who can't break their own boards. Not only did that boost my confidence, but I gained a lot of trust in instructor because of that show of trust, confidence, and willingness to put it on the line (even if it was only a demo) for me.
Well my school is mainly about fighting, so when I started my school i was scared because everyone their is practically twice my size *im a small guy :)* so of course my confidence was in the gutter, i talked to my instructer on how to build my confidence up, he said *to fight your fears, if you are scared to fight this heavy hitter, ill put you up to fight this guy, he hits even harder* well it worked for me, now I can pretty much go against any size, i've fought adults who look like arnold swarts before, I just do the best I can :)
I think the biggest kick up in confidence I got recently is when my 2nd Dan instructor told me after our last sparring session "sparring you is no cake walk"

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