Complete Japanese Hand Strikes Guide

ahmad abou taleb

White Belt
Zuki: punch

age zuki: rising punch

awase zuki: narrow double fisted punch

choku zuki: straight punch

chudan zuki: mid-level punch

gyaku zuki: reverse punch

heiko zuki: parallel punch(morote zuki)

hasami zuki: scissor strike

jun zuki: step through punch

kage zuki: hook punch

kizami zuki: jabbing punch

mawashi zuki: roundhouse punch

oi zuki: stepping punch

ura zuki: close short punch, with inverted hand punch

tate zuki: half reverse punch, with a vertical position

yama zuki: wide double fisted strike

shuto uchi: knife hand strike

shuto hizo uchi: knife hand strike to the spleen

shuto jodan uchi: inside knife hand to neck

shuto sakotsu uchi: knife hand strike to clavicle

shuto uchi komi: giving knife hand to sternum

shuto yoko ganmen uchi: knife hand strike to head

tettsui uchi: hammer fist strike

tettsui hasami uchi: hammer fist scissor strike

tettsui yoko uchi: hammer fist strike sideways

uraken uchi: back fist strike

uraken hizo uchi: back fist strike to spleen

uraken mawashi uchi: back fist circular strike to the head

uraken sayu ganmen uchi: back fist strike to side

mae empi: rising elbow strike

mawashi empi: hook elbow strike

ushiro empi: backward elbow strike

yoko empi: side elbow strike

otoshi empi: downward elbow strike

nukite: spear hand strike

ippon nukite: one finger strike

nihon nukite: two finger strike

hiraken uchi: fore knuckle fist

ippon ken uchi: one knuckle fist

nakada ken uchi: middle knuckle fist

haishu uchi: back hand strike

haito uchi: ridge hand strike

kumade uchi: bear hand

teisho uchi: palm heel strike

washide uchi: eagle hand
This is the Japanese karate! Also, it regroups all the techniques that may be used ; it's a good article where u can find all the hand striking techniques

Japanese karate is a somewhat generic term, there's different styles and in mine not all the terms you listed are used as you have for example in Wado Ryu
tate zuki: half reverse punch, with a vertical position
is a vertical punch but not a half reverse one.

haishu uchi: back hand strike
is an overhand punch

jun zuki: step through punch
is Junzuki - forward punch or lunge punch ( not a step through one for us)

awase zuki: narrow double fisted punch
Joined Hand Block.

This is just a few of the differences, they aren't right or wrong just different which is why I asked what style your list is from. The differences are interesting, often the technique is done slightly differently too.
Japanese karate is a somewhat generic term, there's different styles and in mine not all the terms you listed are used as you have for example in Wado Ryu
is a vertical punch but not a half reverse one.

is an overhand punch

is Junzuki - forward punch or lunge punch ( not a step through one for us)

Joined Hand Block.

This is just a few of the differences, they aren't right or wrong just different which is why I asked what style your list is from. The differences are interesting, often the technique is done slightly differently too.

yes now i understand what you meant before!! u asked what style is that in karate !! those terms are used in kyokushin and shotokan karate. but what i mean it's good to have all these stances regrouped in one place

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