Coming up: Serak training in DC metro area


White Belt

Thank you for allowing me to join your community. I have enjoyed reading many of the discussions here. By way of introduction I would like to make an announcement, particularly for people in the DC area interested in Silat:

A branch of the VDT Academy ( has opened in the Washington DC metro area and will be offering training in Pukulan Pencak Silat Sera(k). The academy is under the direct supervision of Pak Victor De Thouars and will be operated by coaches trained and certified by Pak Vic (Nyk Cowham and Gary Boisen).

The classes will be held at The American Taekwondo Academy in the
Kentlands, on Main Street, Gaithersburg, MD. Other Locations in Northern Virginia may be available in the future if there is sufficient interest.

We intend to offer 2 FREE classes on Sunday 1/20 and 1/27 so that you
may try out the program. Discounts are available for multiple family members, active military and students. For more information feel free to contact me (240.912.4310).

Now that the gratuitous plug is out of the way :) a quick intro is in order. My martial arts background is varied. I have trained in Shotokan Karate, Jiu-Jutsu, Wing Chun Gong Fu, Northern Shaolin, Kali (LaCoste & Sayoc), Escrima (Lameco) and Jun Fan Gong Fu (JKD Concepts). After many years in the martial arts I finally found my true home in Pencak Silat Serak and currently train with Pak Victor De Thouars.

I love Silat, not just the system in which I train but seeing great value in all systems and aliran. I look forward to friendly and lively discussions hopefully with us all checking our egos at the door. One of the best role models for the martial arts is Guro Dan Inosanto (Ustad Guru Serak) who, as skilled and accomplished as he is, has always remained a student. So I try to remain the perpetual student and learn what I may from you all.

Again thank you and hormat!
Good luck and glad to have you at MartialTalk. I look
forward to hearing about your system of silat in future

Thank you for allowing me to join your community. I have enjoyed reading many of the discussions here. By way of introduction I would like to make an announcement, particularly for people in the DC area interested in Silat:

A branch of the VDT Academy ( has opened in the Washington DC metro area and will be offering training in Pukulan Pencak Silat Sera(k). The academy is under the direct supervision of Pak Victor De Thouars and will be operated by coaches trained and certified by Pak Vic (Nyk Cowham and Gary Boisen).

The classes will be held at The American Taekwondo Academy in the
Kentlands, on Main Street, Gaithersburg, MD. Other Locations in Northern Virginia may be available in the future if there is sufficient interest.

We intend to offer 2 FREE classes on Sunday 1/20 and 1/27 so that you
may try out the program. Discounts are available for multiple family members, active military and students. For more information feel free to contact me (240.912.4310).

Now that the gratuitous plug is out of the way :) a quick intro is in order. My martial arts background is varied. I have trained in Shotokan Karate, Jiu-Jutsu, Wing Chun Gong Fu, Northern Shaolin, Kali (LaCoste & Sayoc), Escrima (Lameco) and Jun Fan Gong Fu (JKD Concepts). After many years in the martial arts I finally found my true home in Pencak Silat Serak and currently train with Pak Victor De Thouars.

I love Silat, not just the system in which I train but seeing great value in all systems and aliran. I look forward to friendly and lively discussions hopefully with us all checking our egos at the door. One of the best role models for the martial arts is Guro Dan Inosanto (Ustad Guru Serak) who, as skilled and accomplished as he is, has always remained a student. So I try to remain the perpetual student and learn what I may from you all.

Again thank you and hormat!

Good Luck over there! From what I understand, the D.C./Baltimore area is like 31 Flavors, a huge selection. The last time I was there I tried to make time to go train with some Sayoc folks but didn't get the chance, too busy (lobbying is busy work!)
Thanks for the good wishes - that is very much appreciated.

Doc, I have trained with some of the Sayoc guys in this area and they are top notch people. If you ever get a chance to train with Bob Shin I'd highly recommend it. He's a really sweet guy too. I stopped training Sayoc to focus more intently on Silat, but I really enjoy that system and I've been meaning to start training it again. It's philosophy and technique is very compatible with Silat, particularly Serak.

I look forward to "chewin the fat" with you guys :)



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