Combo techniques


Brown Belt
I am a part time DT Instructor at my agency (we do have full time staff) but this is about the system itself, the one we use. The only combo techniques we use are the traditional arm bars and takedowns, or if you want to really get technical, jab-punch combos and we had POST permission to develop our own system; is there any agencies out there that use a system, patented or agency specific that teaches anything similar to the combo techniques taught in systems like Kenpo, Budo Taijutsu, Tae Kwon Do and so on... and does it work your agency?
I am a part time DT Instructor at my agency (we do have full time staff) but this is about the system itself, the one we use. The only combo techniques we use are the traditional arm bars and takedowns, or if you want to really get technical, jab-punch combos and we had POST permission to develop our own system; is there any agencies out there that use a system, patented or agency specific that teaches anything similar to the combo techniques taught in systems like Kenpo, Budo Taijutsu, Tae Kwon Do and so on... and does it work your agency?
Please PM me. I will send you our use of force policy.
Kickboxers and other martial artists use
combo techniques for self-defense in a street fight or sparring match.
We use combo techniques in our hard empty hand tactics which includes punches, elbows and knees. You'll laugh at this but my Capt. says officers need to keep their feet on the ground for balance so we dont teach any kicks. We also do multiple strikes and combination strikes to the Brachial Plexus origin. Hope this helps you out some.
We use combo techniques in our hard empty hand tactics which includes punches, elbows and knees. You'll laugh at this but my Capt. says officers need to keep their feet on the ground for balance so we dont teach any kicks. We also do multiple strikes and combination strikes to the Brachial Plexus origin. Hope this helps you out some.
He's got a valid point. Kicks much higher than the knee aren't really practical a lot of the time anyway... Weight of boots, limits imposed by gear, and surface considerations are just some of the reasons. Knees are good, and turn into stomps really easy.
He's got a valid point. Kicks much higher than the knee aren't really practical a lot of the time anyway... Weight of boots, limits imposed by gear, and surface considerations are just some of the reasons. Knees are good, and turn into stomps really easy.

I personally like the kick to the common peroneal and the groin.