Combat Macramé

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
OK, I’m old and been at this MA thing for a while and I am wondering about something that was not around back in the stone age and maybe someone can explain this.

Why the heck are so many people sticking the word combat in front of things; Combat Taijiquan, Combat Karate, Combat Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Combat whatever.

Are they taking these arts into combat or are they trying to say what they are going to teach you is better than a style without “Combat” attached to it or is it that they feel the art could not fight its way out of a paper bag without calling "Combat" or is it just sales?
It is to make them seem so much better than others. We have a TKD school that calls it Combat TKD and he teaches the sport aspect.
See also "tactical" in any LE/public safety catalog...
Hmm...didn't the late, great George Carlin do a routine on people making things sound more important than they really are?

"Check around your immediate seating area for any personal belongings you may have brought on board"

Seat...its a God damn seat...check around your seat! LOL!

OK, enough comedy...back to the thread. :)

I agree...I'd say its a marketing ploy to make something old, sound new again. The application of some things may be slightly different, but I wouldn't go so far as to say its 'new' because it really isn't. Take any art that has the word "Combat" in front of it. Is it really new per se, or is the application of the material slightly different? Its no different than Coke changing the way their cans look. Its still Coke, just a different can.
I've taken two weeks leave to really kick start my fitness and see if I can lose the thyroid gained weight, I've been using my local gym and taking one of their classes....Combat Cardio!!
Another class I'm using is Boxercise ( I know but it's fitness lol) and the women said I scare them rofl!!
The Combat Cardio class is good fitness training but I can't for the life of me find the combat part of it! I think it makes the ladies (same ones who do boxercise) feel tough, well until I join in anyway! sorry ladies but if you're going to punch a bag,at least hit the bloody thing!!
I've taken two weeks leave to really kick start my fitness and see if I can lose the thyroid gained weight, I've been using my local gym and taking one of their classes....Combat Cardio!!
Another class I'm using is Boxercise ( I know but it's fitness lol) and the women said I scare them rofl!!
The Combat Cardio class is good fitness training but I can't for the life of me find the combat part of it! I think it makes the ladies (same ones who do boxercise) feel tough, well until I join in anyway! sorry ladies but if you're going to punch a bag,at least hit the bloody thing!!

I saw a class called Cardio Kickboxing that was pretty funny too

Because everything else is Tickle-Me-Elmo karate. Or Hapkido. Or Taiji. Or...

Well...that is....except for Xuefu..... The word combat in front of that...only makes it wimpier :D
I too am leaning towards marketing. But I have seen, in the case of Taiji; where people think they actually found something that no one knew about...WOW!!! Applications!!!! I'M A GENIOUS!!!! I'm....a......martial arts GOD!!!!!

And Combat Taiji was born :D
I know...I'll market
Combat Tactical Reality based Muay Karate kwan Fu Do

Give me a year a $20,00 grand and you'll think you're a killing machine. You'll even get a nice belt and cetificate to boot. Special discount on the home study course.

Fear no man...except the guy who knows what he's doing....

How about we go the opposite direction and start up a "Hugs and Cuddles Karate" class?
How about we go the opposite direction and start up a "Hugs and Cuddles Karate" class?

I don't know. It seems every time a school owner gets caught teaching cuddles and hugs always ends up someone getting arrested.

OK, I’m old and been at this MA thing for a while and I am wondering about something that was not around back in the stone age and maybe someone can explain this.

Why the heck are so many people sticking the word combat in front of things; Combat Taijiquan, Combat Karate, Combat Taekwondo, Combat Hapkido, Combat whatever.

Are they taking these arts into combat or are they trying to say what they are going to teach you is better than a style without “Combat” attached to it or is it that they feel the art could not fight its way out of a paper bag without calling "Combat" or is it just sales?

The same reason companies feel the need to put 'New and Improved' on their tooth paste packaging.
It's nice to see humor abound now and then.

It does sound cool with that word "Combat" in front of the name, funny as it is in my view.