CMA Clips from the 1930s




See any similarities?
You guys don't see it?


If you are talking about similarities, particularly to xingyi back stance (even Bengquan), then yes, although it is not exactly a xingyi backstance is it, but it is western boxing and if you want to submit it as similarities it would be a good idea to say something about it instead of posting pictures of western boxers and then responding with "meh" when questioned. Great way to come off feeling superior, but not a great way to promote a conversation.

And the Ice cube response, was not to you, which is why it is with a quote. Bottom line however is I created the blog to show old CMA clips. However there was a point that I closed my blog and locked much of it.
Only really superficially. To my eyes the back stance (I assume that's what it is, since the weight is so far back) has a different center than the boxing stance. Hands are in roughly the same area in both, but only in a geographic sense - tension and intent look different. Shoulder/neck orientation also seems significantly different, which suggests the spine is being used differently.