Clips vocotruyen - (Vietnam Traditional Martial Art)


Yellow Belt
vocotruyen vietnam - Vietnamese Traditional Martial Art

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vocotruyen - Vietnamese Traditional Martial Art

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vocotruyen or Vietnam Traditional Martial Art

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I watched the last of your videos first but I have to tell that this style is fantastic!

I remember reading an article about this art in Asian Journal of Martial Arts a few years ago.

I know that this style is traditional to Vietnam but it really looks like traditional kung fu. It seems to have aspects of Northern and Southern Kung fu.

I wish your website had an English Language section. I would like to know more about your style.

The performers I saw in your videos were outstanding in speed, power, and stances.

Please post more and if it is possible provide some English Language links.

Thanks for the great videos. I subscribed to your channel.

I know that this style is traditional to Vietnam but it really looks like traditional kung fu. It seems to have aspects of Northern and Southern Kung fu.

Well, Vietnam has had alot of influence from China, and Martial Arts are no were near the limit. The system of government, economics, religion, language, and so on. Many Vietnamese Martial Arts are probably closely related a Chinese Style. Not all, not even most, but many.